nah. it just never comes up. my dad and mom are sorta your typical liberals ever since they came to the US, they just really hate both communism and Republicans.
Yeah, my dad and I get into arguments over this stuff once a week. But after its over, we still cool. Both of us know that there’s more to life than just politics
My parents just worried and have lib views. Still love em
my parents are both the disinterested types who are both aware that the system is f***ed up as is and hate trump and elites
they know my views on certain things politically but dk if they know im a communist lol
i feel like my beliefs are set and i won't change them much in the future. he says when i get older i'll become conservative. i work and happily pay taxes even if its more than i want to because i appreciate and support most of the services taxes pay for
people always tout that "you become conservative as you grow older" s*** but refuse to actually look at the decline in economic mobility and the degradation of wealth in the last how ever many decades.
Most of the people interact with are from Vietnam and they all hate communism. Considering that, as I'm in the process of finding out, their parents are all super wealthy, I'm not surprised.
We usually agree too but I just laugh they say something stupid back when they say stupid s*** like your dad did
Sounds like he did get you in the moment tho lmao
We usually agree too but I just laugh they say something stupid back when they say stupid s*** like your dad did
Sounds like he did get you in the moment tho lmao
after looking through all these comments, it was a funny moment tbh, I’ll learn from him and use it in my kids one day lol
My mom voted conservative too, cuz trudeau's trash
I make it a point to regularly point out how f***in useless doug fat f*** ford has been
Pretty often, I watch the news a lot with my dad
He probably wouldn't ascribe himself to any single ideology but he's voted democrat since he first got his citizenship, also he thinks the wealthy should be taxed at a higher percentage than the poor, so there's that
My mom on the other hand is pure lib. She doesn't really think much about politics other than the fact that she hates Trump.
Most of the people interact with are from Vietnam and they all hate communism. Considering that, as I'm in the process of finding out, their parents are all super wealthy, I'm not surprised.
Honestly I don’t trust a wealthy persons view of communism
very much so. practically the only discussions we all three engage in together
always entertaining since my mom is pro-hezbollah, pro-iran regime, assad and i'm pro-israel. my dad hates the islamic rule of iran so they get at it 24/7
regarding swedish politics we p much agree with each other except that my parents are anti-lgbt which sucks so we never really argue
never talked to my dad about politics, i imagine he'd be bigoted as s*** but we don't talk almost ever anyway. my mom is chill. she's registered republican but i fill her in on social issues and she usually ends up agreeing with my "left" perspective. we don't fight
eating horse i couldn't do it. i socked my horse on red dead 2 by accident and i ain't been the same since i can't even imagine eating one
my mum and my dad are lefties and have influenced me quite a lot
my dad used to be a conservative when he was younger but i think he got influenced by my mum (she is teacher and all teachers are fairly liberal) and secondly he started getting more aware of politics by reading policies and caring about environment
I just try to keep them from watching the news
Yeah same, is really annoying. That s*** make them over-suspicious and they start venting to me.
neither of my parents remotely pay attention to politics, and have no interest in it whatsoever if i talk about it with them. ironic bc they ended up raising 2 kids with political science degrees lmao
im very political and my mom always wants to know my opinion on issues
dad would rather die than discuss politics
for example my mom was opposed to defunding/reallocating funding from police until I showed her major cities where police departments are like 70% of the budget n then she was all for it lol. informed young people can really help their parents see the light on issues they only know about from what they learned in high school