a better question is why do big trucks tailgate so much
big truck big ego
a better question is why do big trucks tailgate so much
they sold their house for the truck but they still need to eat
The type of people who have that are never the kind you would imagine them to be.
I drive a truck? Like for work and s***, what's wrong with driving trucks?
Do men with riced out Hondas or Camaros with no muffler have a small pp?
Should we all just be driving around Acuras?
What’s up with life sxn as of late
ever since that oven guy a few days ago....
he was on a brain dead thread roll
I drive a truck? Like for work and s***, what's wrong with driving trucks?
Do men with riced out Hondas or Camaros with no muffler have a small pp?
Should we all just be driving around Acuras?
VTEC = growers
Ugly cars
I drive a truck? Like for work and s***, what's wrong with driving trucks?
Do men with riced out Hondas or Camaros with no muffler have a small pp?
Should we all just be driving around Acuras?
my d*** a twin turbo 2jz engine