in a weird place
turned 23 two months ago. I just got a job where I make an ok living in in Dallas. I can afford to move out on my own. I have no debt. I helped my parents pay our house off a bit ago so I’m not bumming. I pay for my food, my family’s cell phone bill, and anout $500 in car payment (includes insurance). I planned on moving out to downtown dallas about 20 min from my house. I get along great with my parents and don’t have any issues. There are times where I can feel like I have no space though. I also feel like it’s frowned upon. Another thing is I always fear dating will be a struggle telling them I’m 23 and still live at home. On the other hand, I could aggressively invest and travel with the income and stay here. Very conflicted. what would you do
sounds like you aren't fully ready to move out yet so stay at home. American economy has been crazy since '08. keep stacking because once you move out you won't move back in.
Maybe start living like you're paying rent every month (then save or invest the bread)
women will be ok with negatives if there are more positives
sounds like you aren't fully ready to move out yet so stay at home. American economy has been crazy since '08. keep stacking because once you move out you won't move back in.
Maybe start living like you're paying rent every month (then save or invest the bread)
women will be ok with negatives if there are more positives
sounds like you aren't fully ready to move out yet so stay at home. American economy has been crazy since '08. keep stacking because once you move out you won't move back in.
Maybe start living like you're paying rent every month (then save or invest the bread)
women will be ok with negatives if there are more positives
i mean financially, I can do it 100%. i feel like my income is enough to support it, but idk if it’s the best move
There’s no problem staying at home if that’s what you’re comfortable with.
I couldn’t do it, I invite guys and girls over all the time. I couldn’t imagine trying to date and inviting people over to chill living with my parents. Also, I need some alone time waking up with other people I can’t choose whether they stay or not ain’t it.
i mean financially, I can do it 100%. i feel like my income is enough to support it, but idk if it’s the best move
Most apartments require 2.5 to 3x the monthly rate as income. Or at least they do here.
You can save like 90% of your income by living at your parents house. Spend a few years doing that and you'll have enough for a nice down payment and be way ahead of other people who decided to move out and rent.
Most apartments require 2.5 to 3x the monthly rate as income. Or at least they do here.
yeah they usually require it during the application process
for reference my salary is in the mid 90’s
no need to move out unless u have a wife and kids thats just me though you will save alot of money
no need to move out unless u have a wife and kids thats just me though you will save alot of money
i agree but im also afraid living at home is an automatic turn offf
i agree but im also afraid living at home is an automatic turn offf
then your dating judgemental people
i mean financially, I can do it 100%. i feel like my income is enough to support it, but idk if it’s the best move
i know you can do it financially, and im telling you to live your life like you are doing it financially cuz it may affect how you live. Putting more of your paycheck aside as if you had more expenses. rent is a $ gutter, its not like youll be buying a house.
I think your youth and financial stability is a good reason to stay home. stack bread, get even closer with your parents and enjoy the time knowing youll be moved out by 25.
think about how many people here dont get along great with their parents. cherish this time man
the single most important step in terms of personal growth for a young man in 2022 is to move out
23 is still young and important years to start building your nest
Wise thing is to stay at home for a little longer and save as much money, so you can invest and be closer to financial independence or have a good chunk for down payment on your own place in the future
But being able to move out and be independent is also important part of life
I would personally stay a little longer and just save as much as I can if I was you
23 is still young and important years to start building your nest
Wise thing is to stay at home for a little longer and save as much money, so you can invest and be closer to financial independence or have a good chunk for down payment on your own place in the future
But being able to move out and be independent is also important part of life
I would personally stay a little longer and just save as much as I can if I was you
strong agree i’m turning 27 and still at home albeit i had a p big bump in the road, looking to buy a house when i can soon
if this helps, I also have about 70k in savings rn
buy a house bruh bruh
dont waste your $ on rent. you should never rent in your life IMO. If i were you....I would keep stacking and use that s*** on a house
strong agree i’m turning 27 and still at home albeit i had a p big bump in the road, looking to buy a house when i can soon
Yeah op is one of the very few that’s making 90k+ at 23
If he lives below his means, he will be so much ahead of his peers by his 30’s
He could legit retire by his mid or late 30’s if he does it right