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  • Updated May 6, 2022

    Okay to be fair I didn't really listen to his album all the way through but of the songs I did hear only confirmed my thoughts about the young lad

    Jack is one of the only new artists that I can listen to and not feel...anything.

    His songs are fun to listen to but that's about it. And Drake's music, especially when he first started is incomparable and the sensibility of it is what catapulted him and has had him stay at the top for over a decade.

    I mean listening to "look what you've done", "Marvins rooms", "Karaoke" etc Drake talks about his family, his insecurities, he makes "rapping about women" more about just how many you sleep with a night. Even his braggadocios songs have more class

    don't get me wrong Jack is a good rapper and the potential is out of this world if he can just stop making surface level music.

    BUT maybe he just doesn't make music for me

  • May 6, 2022
    3 replies

    You didn’t even listen to the album, you have no point

  • May 6, 2022

    Y’all really giving this mainstream nigga real thought LMAO

  • May 6, 2022
    7 replies

    Come Home The Kids Miss You makes Certified Lover Boy look like My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy.

    That’s all.

  • Jack clearly ain’t ever gonna be Drake. Drake is once in a lifetime type talent.

  • May 6, 2022

    You didn’t even listen to the album, you have no point

    I've listened to him up to ths album though

    And I listened to the first 4-5 songs of his new album, only so far.

  • May 6, 2022
    1 reply
    · edited

    Okay to be fair I didn't really listen to his album all the way through but of the songs I did hear only confirmed my thoughts about the young lad

    Jack is one of the only new artists that I can listen to and not feel...anything.

    His songs are fun to listen to but that's about it. And Drake's music, especially when he first started is incomparable and the sensibility of it is what catapulted him and has had him stay at the top for over a decade.

    I mean listening to "look what you've done", "Marvins rooms", "Karaoke" etc Drake talks about his family, his insecurities, he makes "rapping about women" more about just how many you sleep with a night. Even his braggadocios songs have more class

    don't get me wrong Jack is a good rapper and the potential is out of this world if he can just stop making surface level music.

    BUT maybe he just doesn't make music for me

    My gripe is that if you don't have depth in your message, you need some slick lines, smart metaphors, etc. A lot of this is just lazy as hell.

  • May 6, 2022
    4 replies

    If Drake followed up TML with something as background music-esque as this, he wouldn’t have a career rn

  • May 6, 2022
    1 reply

    That’s crazy to write a deep dive on Jack Harlow but

    Drake is one of the best rappers ever so the comparisons should have never started.

  • A lot of people love listening to the Drake formula but it’s harder to get excited over the same guy for over ten years. Harlow gives the illusion of being “fresh” in that he’s new but musically is just a watered down version, giving him a strange appeal to the public

  • May 6, 2022

    That’s crazy to write a deep dive on Jack Harlow but

    Drake is one of the best rappers ever so the comparisons should have never started.

    I mean the comparisons were born out of of Jack trying his best to do a Drake impersonation

  • Nessy 🦎
    May 6, 2022
    1 reply

    He sounds like drake in his "i dont like making music" era


    If Drake followed up TML with something as background music-esque as this, he wouldn’t have a career rn

    True. And we got So Far Gone before Thank Me Later.


    If Drake followed up TML with something as background music-esque as this, he wouldn’t have a career rn

    Harlow is like if Drake skipped his first four or so albums and went straight to Views era but only rapped the most superficial and inauthentic bars

  • Nessy 🦎
    May 6, 2022

    His style of flexing his career/money is 100% drake

  • May 6, 2022

    You didn’t even listen to the album, you have no point

    thats the difference, u HAD to listen to thank me later, to find out if it was garbage

  • May 6, 2022

    Come Home The Kids Miss You makes Certified Lover Boy look like My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy.

    That’s all.

    Sounds like a Fiona Apple album title

  • May 6, 2022
    1 reply

    The one thing Jack has going against him right now is that the hype doesn't match the quality of music at all. That's always a big problem and if it doesn't affect him now, it'll affect him in the near future.

  • May 6, 2022

    You didn’t even listen to the album, you have no point

    I think the point is that the album is made for skimmers

  • May 6, 2022

    The one thing Jack has going against him right now is that the hype doesn't match the quality of music at all. That's always a big problem and if it doesn't affect him now, it'll affect him in the near future.


  • May 6, 2022

    Come Home The Kids Miss You makes Certified Lover Boy look like My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy.

    That’s all.

    Damn is it that bad? I haven't check it out yet, how does it compare to Jack's previous album?

  • May 6, 2022
    1 reply

    I'm gonna be that a****** but it's not service level it's surface level

  • May 6, 2022

    I'm gonna be that a****** but it's not service level it's surface level

  • May 6, 2022
    1 reply

    Jack will never touch Drake’s level. Not even from a commercial and sales standpoint but just strictly artistry and lyrically

    He already tries to rap like a great value Drake but when I hear Jack rap he offers me nothing nor do I feel anything. No substance, nothing interesting, his story or come up isn’t interesting at all either

    Jack just dropped his sophomore album and there isn’t a song on it that can touch really any of the songs on Take Care (Drake’s sophomore) other than literally the song featuring Drake ironically enough

    Also Jack can’t sing at all also so… yeah the Jack and Drake comparisons gotta stop

  • May 6, 2022
    2 replies

    Drake had the OGs in their feelings when he came into the game, no one is really worried about Jack like that.

    Drake story is linked with too many legends and link ups

    Wayne, Nicki.
    Cole, Kendrick.
    Kanye, Jay.
    Weekend, Rihanna.
    Future. Rick Ross.

    There will never be another come up like Drake, mimmicking his style isn't nearly enough.

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