I been fasting like once a week for a little bit now. S***s ass during but after you break that fast it feels really good. You also see how much of your mood is influenced by things like being hungry, tired, thirsty, etc. Does anyone else fast too? How long, if so?
nah i don't really eat a lot to begin with. changing that this year tho.
it's the natural way to be & i heard u get crazy mental clarity from it, so once i feel like im ready i think i'll start.
I been fasting like once a week for a little bit now. S***s ass during but after you break that fast it feels really good. You also see how much of your mood is influenced by things like being hungry, tired, thirsty, etc. Does anyone else fast too? How long, if so?
not all day but some times I'll just drink water and not eat until like 4-5:00 pm and it really helps me get things done imo. a lot of the time its easier for me to focus and be productive when I don't eat
tryna gain so nah
but interested in doing some 24hr fasts sometime this year
I'm trying to fast for 8-10 hours a day for Lent but I can't keep it up consistently because I can't eat my big meal at the same time everyday. And I'm running around 5-6km every morning. I've got so much respect for Muslims, they do it for like 12 hours everyday and I'm cheating by drinking water during the day too
Yea i did it like 2 times a week cuz i been gettin tubby
Active fasting is goat for your body and your mind
Intermittent fasting was great when I did it. Highly recommend.
Yea i did it like 2 times a week cuz i been gettin tubby
Active fasting is goat for your body and your mind
Just watch your calories bro
idk but I usually do not eat until like middle of the day
What are the rules to fasting?
Usain Bolt meets Michael Bolton
• fasting is focused abstaining from food and water for a period of time.
• some people attach goals of why they’re fasting for motivation.
• Isaiah 58 speaks to the benefits of fasting, it breaks off the oppressions we’re dealing with. Helps us recenter our focus and sharpens us