  • Dec 6, 2021

    It is. Social justice warrior term that people only use on social media.

  • Dec 6, 2021

    hola todxs

  • Dec 6, 2021

    yeah a lot of nonbinary latinos hate that s***

  • Dec 6, 2021
    1 reply

    Stfu This got me dying lol

    Am I wrong though? Mexican culture is lit, Dominican culture is lit, Filipino culture is lit, but we all speak Spanish because Europeans came and murdered, and forced the language on the locals.

  • Dec 6, 2021

    Yes. It's absurd.

    But to be fair another hispanic friend of mine really likes the term so I don't assume to speak for all hispanic people.

  • Dec 6, 2021
    1 reply

    It's a woke thing. Lots of bougie black and Latino kids use it; spineless white liberals copy out of fear of being considered racist/sexist/whatever-ist.

    Spanish is a grammatically gendered language. You have to be big stupid or virtue signalling to confuse biological gender with linguistic gender

  • Dec 6, 2021

    It's a woke thing. Lots of bougie black and Latino kids use it; spineless white liberals copy out of fear of being considered racist/sexist/whatever-ist.

    Spanish is a grammatically gendered language. You have to be big stupid or virtue signalling to confuse biological gender with linguistic gender

    Being misgendered doesn't effect us, so why bother, amiright?

  • Dec 6, 2021
    1 reply

    Literally all this Latino stuff is American.

    I always see y'all talking about 'Latino this', 'Latino that' and I'm like ????

    Coming from someone who is actually from Latin America... NO ONE identifies themselves as Latino here, this is an American thing. We have our nationalities, cultures and our countries are very ethnically diverse.

    A few decades ago, the US simply decided to label everyone under them as a single identity.

    The brown people in the US that are referred as latino/hispanic are MESTIZOS which are mixed people of Native and European ancestry. They are very common in some areas in all of the Americas, but not all people from Mexico to Argentina are mestizos. They are just one of the many ethnic groups here.

    Also Latin America being an united culture/bloc is not really a thing. Mexico is as foreign to us as Australia, India or South Korea. The average person here doesn't know wtf Dominican Republic or Puerto Rico are. They are all foreign countries and cultures. I'm sure a Mexican probably feels the same about Brazil and other countries.

    I only found out that people from my country are called Latinos when I learned English.

    The "latino" used in Latin America is short for latinoamericano, a denonym of people from Latin America. And Latin America are just countries in America (continent) that speaks a Latin language (Spanish, Portuguese, French).

  • Dec 6, 2021

    What is the origin of the word Latinx?

    The term Latinx emerged from the Spanish-speaking queer community to challenge the gender binary, explain Aja and Scharrón-del Río. While the exact origin of the term is unclear, its use can be traced back to online queer community forums.

    I know there are white spanish speaking people, but lets be real here. y’all just looking to blame white people for anything now

  • ghosting ®️
    Dec 6, 2021
    1 reply
    Zach LaBeam

    Am I wrong though? Mexican culture is lit, Dominican culture is lit, Filipino culture is lit, but we all speak Spanish because Europeans came and murdered, and forced the language on the locals.

    ok and why are you speaking English...

  • Dec 6, 2021
    1 reply
    paradise valley
    · edited

    Literally all this Latino stuff is American.

    I always see y'all talking about 'Latino this', 'Latino that' and I'm like ????

    Coming from someone who is actually from Latin America... NO ONE identifies themselves as Latino here, this is an American thing. We have our nationalities, cultures and our countries are very ethnically diverse.

    A few decades ago, the US simply decided to label everyone under them as a single identity.

    The brown people in the US that are referred as latino/hispanic are MESTIZOS which are mixed people of Native and European ancestry. They are very common in some areas in all of the Americas, but not all people from Mexico to Argentina are mestizos. They are just one of the many ethnic groups here.

    Also Latin America being an united culture/bloc is not really a thing. Mexico is as foreign to us as Australia, India or South Korea. The average person here doesn't know wtf Dominican Republic or Puerto Rico are. They are all foreign countries and cultures. I'm sure a Mexican probably feels the same about Brazil and other countries.

    I only found out that people from my country are called Latinos when I learned English.

    The "latino" used in Latin America is short for latinoamericano, a denonym of people from Latin America. And Latin America are just countries in America (continent) that speaks a Latin language (Spanish, Portuguese, French).

    Because people in America tend to have more of their basic needs met, so you get more opportunity to move up Maslow's hierarchy of needs

  • Dec 6, 2021
    1 reply

    ok and why are you speaking English...

    For the same reason
    Again, not caping for English, just the fact that furniture doesn't need to have a gender in English

  • ghosting ®️
    Dec 6, 2021
    Zach LaBeam

    For the same reason
    Again, not caping for English, just the fact that furniture doesn't need to have a gender in English

    ya that's why they are two separate languages

  • ghosting ®️
    Dec 6, 2021
    1 reply
    Zach LaBeam
    · edited

    Because people in America tend to have more of their basic needs met, so you get more opportunity to move up Maslow's hierarchy of needs

    bro wtf are you on about

  • Dec 6, 2021

    it kinda became a meme

  • Dec 6, 2021
    1 reply

    bro wtf are you on about

    Google is your friend

  • I say latino among my dominican and boriquen friends cause I feel stupid saying latinx to them

  • ghosting ®️
    Dec 6, 2021
    1 reply
    Zach LaBeam

    Google is your friend

    I know what all of those terms are your point is just dumb

    "people are poorer in mexico, so they didnt have time to come up with Latinx"

    that's basically what u arguing^

  • proper 🔩
    Dec 6, 2021
    1 reply

    latinx? Yeah I think I seen a couple of those videos before

  • ghosting ®️
    Dec 6, 2021
    1 reply
    · edited

    latinx? Yeah I think I seen a couple of those videos before

    I stay in the asianx section

  • proper 🔩
    Dec 6, 2021
    1 reply

    I stay in the asianx section

    what r u even talking about

  • Dec 6, 2021
    1 reply

    Don’t know enough about Spanish but isn’t the “masculine” suffix for words also a gender neutral one? When you include all genders it simply uses the male term

  • ghosting ®️
    Dec 6, 2021

    what r u even talking about

    some dumbassery

  • Dec 6, 2021
    1 reply

    I know what all of those terms are your point is just dumb

    "people are poorer in mexico, so they didnt have time to come up with Latinx"

    that's basically what u arguing^

    Bro that's exactly the logic. You can't move on to the next hierarchy. Of course there are individual people in Mexico pushing to be recognized as nonbinary, but they get drowned out by the millions of voices saying "good for you, I'm worried about what I'm going to eat tonight". Whereas in America food and shelter societally is basically a given

  • ghosting ®️
    Dec 6, 2021
    1 reply
    Zach LaBeam

    Bro that's exactly the logic. You can't move on to the next hierarchy. Of course there are individual people in Mexico pushing to be recognized as nonbinary, but they get drowned out by the millions of voices saying "good for you, I'm worried about what I'm going to eat tonight". Whereas in America food and shelter societally is basically a given

    worrying about what your gonna eat is pretty important imo