  • Aug 28, 2023
    1 reply

    i value time more than money

  • Aug 28, 2023

    Idk man seems like none of my business tbh

    It’s none of mine either and i don’t bother anybody but people falling for these mindsets is already leading to irreversible issues

  • Aug 28, 2023

    People forget that there’s a reason your making money and that money making isn’t the deal sealer

  • Aug 28, 2023
    Mountain Dude

    The culture surrounding it in the last decade or so has been completely different. Wages continue to stagnate as more and more requirements reach jobs with less expectations for the roles.
    Basically it's that the people who are in control at these businesses are not retired yet, which is leaving the deficit between old and young. Since this has been happening more and more young people are opting out of anything including forgoing a college degree or any higher education than high school. What's going to happen is that the older people who are in charge right now are going to age out of these positions in a few years (when we start seeing it really happen in real time) and young people are going to start taking the role. This also has to do with the whole postponement "of adulthood" where many people under 40 years old are unable to afford their own houses or apartments, their own lives, etc. What's going to happen is inheritance soon, as the older generations start to be put into nursing homes or dying off (sadly).

    I think I understand. So it’s more about what businesses want their employees to do rather than the choices of employees.
    I thought you all were chastising employees for making the decision of working long hours, getting certifications etc.

  • Aug 28, 2023
    Mountain Dude

    Nobody with a positive income does MLM. Pyramid schemes have never worked.

    yeah that’s why it’s all just a dream. desperate people fall for it and give them their small scale success like Herbalife or whatever it’s called

  • Aug 28, 2023

    Work smarter not harder

  • Aug 28, 2023
    1 reply

    Money is survival bro food and living spaces cost money am i suppose to just go curl up and starve

  • It's a kind of weird, disenchanted acceptance of the fact that you actually do need multiple passive income streams to have a comfortable living at this point; you will work until you die otherwise.

    That being said, f*** the rat race. Middle finger's up to the law, hand grippin my balls

  • Aug 28, 2023
    1 reply

    Money is survival bro food and living spaces cost money am i suppose to just go curl up and starve

    being against hustle culture is not against making money to survive bro its about normalizing the mindset that we should require MORE work, time, and consumables to survive

    People not understanding that in itself is exactly why its gone too far Im not against working lmfao

  • Aug 29, 2023

    "All this talk of securing bags is hysterical, you are the bag you gonna stay rich if you take care of you"

  • Aug 29, 2023

    While im all for the hustle, grindset / hustle culture niggas are insufferable

  • AR15 💯
    Aug 29, 2023
    1 reply

    Yea if you dont like it move to europe

  • Aug 29, 2023

    B**** I am workin

    A******s and elbows over here

  • Aug 29, 2023
    1 reply

    Yea if you dont like it move to europe

    Fr tho 😂

  • AR15 💯
    Aug 29, 2023

    Fr tho 😂

    🗣️ 🗣️ 🗣️

  • Aug 29, 2023
    1 reply

    i value time more than money

    But time is money.

  • Aug 29, 2023
    1 reply

    But time is money.


  • Aug 29, 2023
    2 replies


    Opportunity cost: "The opportunity cost of time is usually measured by wage," explains Hurst. "If you take an hour that could be spent working and devote that hour to another activity, you give up potential income.

  • Aug 29, 2023

    Opportunity cost: "The opportunity cost of time is usually measured by wage," explains Hurst. "If you take an hour that could be spent working and devote that hour to another activity, you give up potential income.

    i dont care about potential income

  • Aug 29, 2023
    1 reply

    Man why do y’all think every platform is infiltrated with unbearable ads and data collection?

    Why do y’all think all these influencers sound like soulless salespeople?

    why is your coworker, friend or family member trying to get you in on some defunct method or plan to come up?
    This s*** is just people sacrificing their dignity for the bag which has became way too easy and acceptable

  • Aug 29, 2023

    i like setting goals working hard towards something and making achievements but classic american hustle culture where you work just to work and accumulate money and objects of status for no reason isn’t something im interested in at all feel bad for anyone trapped in that

  • Aug 29, 2023

    Opportunity cost: "The opportunity cost of time is usually measured by wage," explains Hurst. "If you take an hour that could be spent working and devote that hour to another activity, you give up potential income.

  • Aug 29, 2023
    1 reply

    I align with God

  • Aug 29, 2023

    I align with God

    God gives you everything you need don’t be too greedy or fly too close to the sun but do the most with what He gave you and whatever you get appreciate it bc it’s all a blessing

  • Aug 29, 2023
    1 reply
    slime wrld

    Man why do y’all think every platform is infiltrated with unbearable ads and data collection?

    Why do y’all think all these influencers sound like soulless salespeople?

    why is your coworker, friend or family member trying to get you in on some defunct method or plan to come up?
    This s*** is just people sacrificing their dignity for the bag which has became way too easy and acceptable

    i like exposing money making opportunities and investments to those around me bc why not help someone out if they could use it but im not just talking about working and money all the time s*** is so common in america i hate it talk about some real s***