  • Jan 3, 2023

    Say you’re at the grocery store and you run into some guy/girl you were friends with in middle school or elementary. Do you usually approach or keep it pushing?

  • if its that far back no

    plus i wouldnt remember who they are in the moment but then go "ohhhh" in the car or sumthing and then laugh hard as f***

  • Jan 3, 2023
    1 reply
    lucky star

    Say you’re at the grocery store and you run into some guy/girl you were friends with in middle school or elementary. Do you usually approach or keep it pushing?

    it all depends on the person. and your relationship with them. I generally be excited to see people. but other times I'm in a different state of mind.

    It depends.

  • Jan 3, 2023

    Depends how much I liked them

  • Jan 3, 2023

    depends on how close we were

    at the very least if i run into them or catch they eye i’ll wave and see where it goes from there

  • I usually try to say Hi even if I didn't f*** with them. I'm not sure why but I just get the urge.

  • Jan 3, 2023

    I try not to but if they come to me I’m nice and genuine

    It’s pretty much always the same, nice chat, they ask for they contact info — then y’all never hang out cause your lives are too diff

    I remember when I was 22 with a full beard and hat and some mofo recognized me from middle school somehow I couldn’t remember who he was until hours after the convo

  • Jan 3, 2023

    Happened once tho i guess i had to speak to them

    8 something pm, may, high as f*** perusing the streets of my city. Im yearning for a bev, so i stop by a cvs and load up on like three drinks.

    Go up to the counter and the cashier is a girl i was super close with in elementary and who had a crush on me, the arnold and helga type where shed be mean to me but really liked me.

    She saw me with red eyes high as f*** and laughed and said shed never imagine me smoking. I asked her how she was, she got a kid now just working.

    Pretty cool, told her it was good to see her and walked out

  • Jan 3, 2023

    depends if i like them or not. If i dont fw them and we are about to cross paths, ill act like i didnt even see them. But if its someone cool, then ill say whats up

    if i see them from afar, i wont even bother

  • Jan 3, 2023

    I've seen at least 5 people at my gym that I went to school with and I've not approached them

  • Jan 3, 2023
    1 reply
    lucky star

    Say you’re at the grocery store and you run into some guy/girl you were friends with in middle school or elementary. Do you usually approach or keep it pushing?

    but I always recognize their faces
    School was a terrible place for me in my adolescence and I try to detach from it as much as I can

  • Jan 3, 2023

    Hell no.

  • tomorrow volverse

    but I always recognize their faces
    School was a terrible place for me in my adolescence and I try to detach from it as much as I can

    I remember one time a girl I went to middle school with came to my workplace and I had to be in a room with her for like 10-15 minutes. Super awkward on my part. I don't think she recognized me but I was uncomfortable tbh, barely said anything to her

  • Jan 3, 2023


  • If we were actually cool and tight I’d speak. If not I don’t see why I’d approach them.

  • Nayuta 🐯
    Jan 3, 2023

    Elementary? Middle School? Nah lol

    Dude I went to middle school with used to be the pizza delivery guy, that was awk

    Bruh tried to strike up conversation and reminiscence, like I just want my food man

  • Jan 3, 2023

    i make a b-line for them

  • Jan 3, 2023
    1 reply

    i made this post because I was buying a tv with my dad and saw this dude who used to be in my friend group from like 7th to 8th grade. I remember we were pretty close and we’re still mutuals on socials. He was with his gf when we walked past each other but he just gave me the awkwardest look and I got pretty sad

  • Jan 3, 2023

    I don't lol

  • Jan 4, 2023
    Ygor Sunny

    it all depends on the person. and your relationship with them. I generally be excited to see people. but other times I'm in a different state of mind.

    It depends.

  • Jan 4, 2023

    Yeah unless I hated them

  • Jan 4, 2023

    i would never approach anyone anywhere for any reason

  • Jan 4, 2023

    If they recognize me first, sure

  • Jan 4, 2023

    Depends. Sometimes I realize I'm happier without them in my life and do not open myself to interacting. Sometimes there are people that truly deserve the time of day even if we fell off.

  • Jan 4, 2023

    They typically approach me, if I see someone I used to know I don’t approach them first.