  • Nov 15, 2021
    1 reply

    buddhism says f*** it, nothing is real

  • Nov 15, 2021

    its just a point of how the world we live in is finite but Gods reality is eternal and that you shouldnt lose sight of the eternal in favor of the mundane and ever-fading reality of finitude as no Man or man-made creation ever has lasting permanence

    That's pretty sad

  • Nov 15, 2021
    1 reply

    If one were to study Pi and its relationship with previous civilizations, you'll see how all so called "religions" are connected.

    You can read Genesis 3:14-15

    That's Pi in the scriptures. A***yze the teachings of Pi and how its used for governing control. God makes a separation from two seeds or two life outlooks.

    Then you study the Fibonacci Sequence and see how all of life is connected. The Ark of the Covenant was built in the proportions of the Fibonacci Sequence. The same as New Jerusalem. New Jerusalem is measured according to man, we're made in that proportion of 1.618

    From what I'm understanding about religion and God is that these two ideas are separate, the more you pray and ask Him to reveal to you, then the oppression can be removed. That's what Genesis 1:1-5 is about actually. The light is freedom that we obtain with Christ, the darkness is oppression from Satan and his ruling nations. In science, we call it Matter & Anti-Matter amongst other expressions as well.

    God showcased this during the Exodus. When God separated Israel from Egypt aka the Light from Oppression/Bondage. Christ does the same. The 7 Days of Creation are further explained in the 7 Holy Feast Days of the Bible. The First Day is Passover, who is Jesus Christ.

    1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

    2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

    We see this during the exodus, the parting of the red sea. God's Spirit moving upon the face of the waters.

    3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

    The path to freedom which is Christ

    4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

    5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

    You really typing all this s*** out still

    Quoting the bible as why there is a correct religion is absolutely pointless

  • Nessy 🦎
    Nov 15, 2021

    So all religions were similar throughout history and one day one of them happened to be the correct one? imo if theres a god if you follow whatever religion as best as you can with good moral he’s consider you gang

  • Nov 15, 2021
    1 reply

    You really typing all this s*** out still

    Quoting the bible as why there is a correct religion is absolutely pointless

    Study the sum of all parts. Your cutoff is you aren't seeking wisdom nor a veracity of understanding that leads to a balanced approach to life.

  • Nov 15, 2021
    1 reply

    no religion is 100% correct but hinduism is the closest

  • Nessy 🦎
    Nov 15, 2021

    But like "the world" makes me think of nature before anything

    Nah the world is material things (gold chains and s***mostly)

  • Nov 15, 2021

    The pearly gates is just a reference for the airport security checkpoints. And religions split up like countries

    lock thread, they all real.

  • Nov 15, 2021

    Wake up babe new Bestowed post dropped 😳

  • Nov 15, 2021

    hinduism has 2 core concepts that i think are real

    1. reincarnation

    2. the idea that there can be multiple "gods". if you image the universe being as vast as it is, and a higher plane of reality, u can imagine that there might be multiple higher beings. Theres still probably a higher power beyond those entities who has dominion over them. Basically theres a tiering of our reality, realms over realms over realms, that continues for infinity. The goal of existence is to essentially "climb the ladder" of realms till u reach nirvana. Which is actually kinda depressing because they say nirvana is just nothingness but yea

  • Nov 15, 2021
    1 reply

    Study the sum of all parts. Your cutoff is you aren't seeking wisdom nor a veracity of understanding that leads to a balanced approach to life.

    Also if you go into the mindset already being against God/Christianity you’re not going to gain anything from it.

    So you really have to truly be ready to listen and digest the word imo

  • Nov 15, 2021



  • Nov 15, 2021

    Also if you go into the mindset already being against God/Christianity you’re not going to gain anything from it.

    So you really have to truly be ready to listen and digest the word imo

    Facts, that's the true way to digesting the word. Being open to God and ready to listen.

  • Nov 15, 2021

    the concept of a universal good/evil is flawed in that a "good" being i.e. benevolent and a "evil" being i.e. one that hijacks your thoughts and emotions, are both "higher" beings. There exists an entire realm that we experience only through our thoughts and emotions, or more realistically through energy itself (electromagnetic radiation). This realm is also known as the astral realm. When you die, thats where you go.

    The key understanding is that your consciousness and emotions are very intricately bound, this is where the idea of the chakras, high and low vibrations etc. come in. When you die, you are susceptible to interactions with any form of entity, and depending on your mindstate/emotional/energetic vibrational level you will be more likely to interact with certain entities. Its like a full blown acid trip except its become your reality. The idea of hell is in a sense real because you could have a very polluted headspace where you are attracted to emotional impulses that are dark, as that may be your mental inclination to be attracted to these lower energies. In that case you will likely be incarnated into a bad place.

    But f*** that who wants to think about going to hell right? its all like a trip you just gotta stay cool and focused and grounded and everything will be ok. it is the ability to ignore low vibrational impulses/thoughts(those of carnal nature like violence or sex) that will guarantee your ascension to higher realms

    its also possible that once you die you just stay in the astral realm and never return here. No one knows for sure because to figure that out youd have to die and come back to life to report what happened

  • Nov 15, 2021

    the duality of man

  • Nov 15, 2021

    Y’all ready know what time I’m on

  • Nov 15, 2021
    1 reply

    If one were to study Pi and its relationship with previous civilizations, you'll see how all so called "religions" are connected.

    You can read Genesis 3:14-15

    That's Pi in the scriptures. A***yze the teachings of Pi and how its used for governing control. God makes a separation from two seeds or two life outlooks.

    Then you study the Fibonacci Sequence and see how all of life is connected. The Ark of the Covenant was built in the proportions of the Fibonacci Sequence. The same as New Jerusalem. New Jerusalem is measured according to man, we're made in that proportion of 1.618

    From what I'm understanding about religion and God is that these two ideas are separate, the more you pray and ask Him to reveal to you, then the oppression can be removed. That's what Genesis 1:1-5 is about actually. The light is freedom that we obtain with Christ, the darkness is oppression from Satan and his ruling nations. In science, we call it Matter & Anti-Matter amongst other expressions as well.

    God showcased this during the Exodus. When God separated Israel from Egypt aka the Light from Oppression/Bondage. Christ does the same. The 7 Days of Creation are further explained in the 7 Holy Feast Days of the Bible. The First Day is Passover, who is Jesus Christ.

    1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

    2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

    We see this during the exodus, the parting of the red sea. God's Spirit moving upon the face of the waters.

    3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

    The path to freedom which is Christ

    4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

    5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

    Are you on a permanent acid trip or something

  • Nov 15, 2021

    They all believe in God

  • Nov 15, 2021

  • Nov 15, 2021

    There's something to take away from all of them, whether it is lessons of how you should or should not live.

  • Nov 15, 2021

    they’re all different attempts to grasp the same thing

  • Nov 15, 2021
    1 reply


    but i also dont believe u need to follow a specific religion to go to heaven


    Are you muslim? How could you say other religions go to heaven when in Islam you have to recognize Muhmmad (saw) as the final messenger

  • Nov 16, 2021

    Are you on a permanent acid trip or something

    lmao naw ion do d**** but try to visualize this stuff to help others see how this goes. When I learned how the 7 Feast Days in Levi 23 explain the 7 creation days & how they all reference Jesus it blew my mind lol

    As for Pi. Yea that's just how these Freemasons view Life. They view life as Squaring the Circle which by understanding that you can 'transcend' It's a straight up lie from hell. Referencing Genesis 3:14-15 is where God separates Gods seed through the woman (Being a prophecy for Mary and Jesus) and Satan (Sin, Cain, Oppression and overall darkness)

    Yea been spending time and time listening and talkin w folks about these topics, but it's really the Holy Spirit that brings it all together. One day, I'll make a project about it lmao. (That's really what I'm trynna to do)

  • Nov 16, 2021

    Grew up a jehovah witness so that s*** spoiled the whole religion thing for me

  • Nov 16, 2021
    1 reply
    oat milk

    buddhism says f*** it, nothing is real

    idk about this, I follow Buddhism myself and don’t believe this