  • Nov 16, 2021


  • Nov 16, 2021


  • Nov 16, 2021

    Christianity is the correct one

  • Nov 16, 2021
    1 reply

    I'm a christian but imo you believe in what you believe in I don't look at muslim or buddhist and say "oh those poor misguided souls" we believe in what we believe in

    You're not Christian then.

    You're missing the whole point of Easter and spreading the good news.

  • Nov 16, 2021
    1 reply

    why would I pick an incorrect religion

  • Nov 16, 2021

    why would I pick an incorrect religion

    even Jesus says 'Broad is the way of destruction, narrow is the path of life'

    It's easy to make the wrong decision

  • I know God breathed on this

  • Nov 16, 2021


  • Nov 16, 2021

    Yes, my religion allows me to have 6 wives or something

  • Nov 16, 2021
    Clb sexman

    the point of religion isn't for there to be 1 'right one', its there for spiritual teachings and guidance and u can get that from any of the religions

    if you can have bad academic teaching then there is bad spiritual teaching.

  • Nov 16, 2021

    Philippians 2:10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth,

  • Nov 16, 2021

    Infidels itt

  • Nov 16, 2021
    1 reply

    Are you muslim? How could you say other religions go to heaven when in Islam you have to recognize Muhmmad (saw) as the final messenger

    if u wanna be a muslim yes

    if u wanna go to heaven? only Allah will tell us who goes to heaven and not

    being a muslim does give u a way better chance

    but it would be unfair if my god would put people that never learned the true islam in hell even tho they never got the chance to actually learn about islam even tho theyre good people

    Thats not what Allah is like, if he was like that he wouldnt be known as the most merciful

  • No but there is a universal energy that emanates throughout the universe

  • Nov 16, 2021

  • Nov 16, 2021

    Yes, Catholicism and Orthodox Christianity, but in the past few years I have been fortunate enough to meet many Muslims who have shown me the world of insight within Islam, from which I have gained a deep respect for the religion even though I don’t follow the faith myself.

  • Nov 16, 2021
    1 reply

    big yikes if you unironically say "yes" to this question

  • I believe in the truth.

  • Nov 16, 2021

    Join the cult of Khatulu we bring forth lots of wealth and a small glimmer of chance of survival when our lord and savior comeths

  • Nov 16, 2021
    1 reply
    Clb sexman

    the point of religion isn't for there to be 1 'right one', its there for spiritual teachings and guidance and u can get that from any of the religions

    Spiritual teachings aint a thing bro

    And relying on spirits to guide you and the Messiah or the Hidden Imam to bring peace and joy is coocoo crazy

  • Nov 16, 2021

    na they were all man made, jesus, moses, mohomed all those guys, they were like your joe rogans of their era

  • Nov 16, 2021
    Frankito Reynolds

    Spiritual teachings aint a thing bro

    And relying on spirits to guide you and the Messiah or the Hidden Imam to bring peace and joy is coocoo crazy

    U sound like an idiot homie

  • Nov 16, 2021
    1 reply

    Have u looked into perennial philosophy? Basically that the truth of reality is not something that one religion can have a monopoly on. I mean it’s quite interesting that so many mystics/religious philosophers for most major religions have experienced and wrote about almost the exact same thing (just in context with their language/culture.

    Which I guess leads me to say there is no correct religion but rather correct religions. If it can lead you to the dissolution of ego and closer to god (whatever that means to you), then go crazy

  • Nov 16, 2021
    1 reply

    if u wanna be a muslim yes

    if u wanna go to heaven? only Allah will tell us who goes to heaven and not

    being a muslim does give u a way better chance

    but it would be unfair if my god would put people that never learned the true islam in hell even tho they never got the chance to actually learn about islam even tho theyre good people

    Thats not what Allah is like, if he was like that he wouldnt be known as the most merciful

    Yeah Allah doesn't send those who never heard the message to hell. But, if you know the word and still disbelieve it's said in the Quran they go to eternal hellfire.

    Idk if that applies to skeptics or to those who saw profound things and believed, but refused Allah (satanists for example).
