stupid people dont worry about being stupid
Yeah you can tell by how many people type without thinking on here
lol i dont think you'll do worse as you get older
either way its not like taking the test makes u dumb, u were dumb to begin with so its inevitable
so dont worry if ur dumb you've been living with it your entire life so far
All the time, but then I hop on KTT2 and all my worries are gone
First of all your I.Q. is not set in stone. It can and will fluctuate due to how lucid your mental state is or if you learn how to challenge your brain to learn something new.
Secondly, if you’re worried about being dumb, you’re likely smart or at the very least, have the capacity to become very intelligent it you work towards it.
In fact, one of the issues with intelligent people is feeling like they can never know enough and they constantly question their intelligence.
Imposter Syndrome is a real thing. I think a lot of us get that way at times — “am I right as smart as I think I am? I’m just frauding my way through” etc.
You have to be stupid in order to be smart, always remember that
I know I can definitely be a dumb dumb
It's best not to take yourself too seriously, or else you're gonna bruise your ego quite often.
The best course of action is to acknowledge you're human and you will fail and make mistakes often, embrace that and learn and grow from them.