Would have to be someone I’d wanna wife basically and they would have had to f*** a complete random (not anyone I knew or she knew before). That’d be the only time I’d consider taking them back after
Facts I can’t be looking stupid in front of no nigga I know . I can’t look at no nigga I know, knowing he smashed. Hell nah
every time i took a break from a shordy it was to get some next p**** on the side right quick
Is this wrong to do? 🤔
Is this wrong to do? 🤔
its also wrong for the woman in the relationship to get d***ed down during a break
cheating is immoral and wrong
If you have to ask..
Is p*** the way you fulfill variety needs? It sucks because p*** is evil bruh
Is this wrong to do? 🤔
No, life is a journey.
No, life is a journey.
Man life is wild. Always got a choice never know where it takes you . Beautiful
breaks can work but don’t do that s*** if you ain’t got hoes cause you gone be hurt lol
Some of y’all jump to worst case scenario off everything and wonder why you’re insecure lol breaks can be a healthy thing for your relationship. No not everyone want a break to f*** other people. Sometimes both of you need to work on things as people before coming together as one. I feel like the people who can’t give themselves time to work on themselves are truly the dependent ones.
What kind of things you need to work on your own that you cant figure out together?