  • kainie 🌌
    May 29, 2022


  • May 29, 2022
    1 reply

    It’s honestly a little overwhelming at times w how much music is out there but it’s so f***ing rewarding to find whole new genres or subgenres that you like and know you have so much ahead of you that you’re gonna enjoy listening to


    When i was in HS i used to endlessly youtube & web surf for albums & mixtape leaks n downloads from any era n genre my itunes was loaded i could have gone jail for like 20 years. I kept some n transfered to the cloud but had to get rid of a big chunk of them for storage but mainly easy transferring 💀💀

    But nowadays as an adult idk how i did that s*** there no way i could do it now, especially since all my old methods & sites are now gone

    I dont have the time anymore nor do i even know where to begin now

    Youtube & stream service surfing is all i got now.

  • May 29, 2022
    1 reply

    Always been drawn to it I think. I was like 4 and really f***ed with Thong Song and Jam by MJ. I still remember being really young and staring at that album cover art, my parents had the CD. My dad actually has good taste and a fire collection. Now I find myself playing the music he would on long road trips. Just downloaded Shakatak's entire discography. Their music is incredible

    I played piano between 10 and 13 and I still don't understand some of the basics. Playing by ear, concepts like key, time signatures, chords etc are difficult for me to understand even after someone explains. So I don't think I have a natural inclination towards music. But I have a good ear, I can recognize a sample pretty well and notice little details in beats that other people don't. There's a music quiz TV show that I'd watch with my parents and my dad would get heated at me because I knew so many of the answers

    So I think I'm drawn to listening to, a***yzing and appreciating music. Making and truly understanding the concepts behind music - not so much

  • May 29, 2022
    1 reply
    The Darkest Angel

    No not music but artists if you get what I mean. I don't like movie soundtracks or older music. Lyrics are a big part and artists stories make me a fan


    When you first listen to an album do you feel like it’s the lyrics or the music that stands out?

  • May 29, 2022
    Water Giver


    When i was in HS i used to endlessly youtube & web surf for albums & mixtape leaks n downloads from any era n genre my itunes was loaded i could have gone jail for like 20 years. I kept some n transfered to the cloud but had to get rid of a big chunk of them for storage but mainly easy transferring 💀💀

    But nowadays as an adult idk how i did that s*** there no way i could do it now, especially since all my old methods & sites are now gone

    I dont have the time anymore nor do i even know where to begin now

    Youtube & stream service surfing is all i got now.

    Lmaoooooo exactly bro

    I used to be maniacal about that s*** and didn’t listen to half of it anyway

    I just mainly find new music from DJ a mixes and this site now

  • May 29, 2022
    1 reply

    What year/s was middle school for you

    6th-8th, but now that i think of it, i remember borrowing my sisters radio all the time and just sitting next to it all the time listening to the pop and alt rock channels lmao

  • May 29, 2022
    1 reply
    BlueChew Sean

    Always been drawn to it I think. I was like 4 and really f***ed with Thong Song and Jam by MJ. I still remember being really young and staring at that album cover art, my parents had the CD. My dad actually has good taste and a fire collection. Now I find myself playing the music he would on long road trips. Just downloaded Shakatak's entire discography. Their music is incredible

    I played piano between 10 and 13 and I still don't understand some of the basics. Playing by ear, concepts like key, time signatures, chords etc are difficult for me to understand even after someone explains. So I don't think I have a natural inclination towards music. But I have a good ear, I can recognize a sample pretty well and notice little details in beats that other people don't. There's a music quiz TV show that I'd watch with my parents and my dad would get heated at me because I knew so many of the answers

    So I think I'm drawn to listening to, a***yzing and appreciating music. Making and truly understanding the concepts behind music - not so much

    Put me on to Shakatak

    And word I feel that second paragraph so much lmao
    I gotta give it a serious go at some point though at least to know for sure I’m not inclined that way

  • May 29, 2022
    1 reply

    6th-8th, but now that i think of it, i remember borrowing my sisters radio all the time and just sitting next to it all the time listening to the pop and alt rock channels lmao

    Nah I mean like 2011 or whatever

  • May 29, 2022
    1 reply

    Nah I mean like 2011 or whatever

    2015 was around the time i really started getting into music in middle school, but like i said, i remember always taking my sister radio in elementary school and listening to that for hours

  • May 29, 2022
    1 reply

    2015 was around the time i really started getting into music in middle school, but like i said, i remember always taking my sister radio in elementary school and listening to that for hours

    Damn that’s tight
    Radio was simultaneously great for finding new songs and absolute trash when it was the only access you had to music cause you couldn’t pick the songs at all

  • May 29, 2022

    Damn that’s tight
    Radio was simultaneously great for finding new songs and absolute trash when it was the only access you had to music cause you couldn’t pick the songs at all

    yeah it was also good for exploring my tastes too, since i couldnt just lock on to a few artists

  • May 29, 2022
    Bow And Arrow

    I'd unalive myself if it weren't for music

  • May 29, 2022

    There's no one in my life who loves music nearly as much as I do. I wish I knew someone who had the same passion I had

    It definitely shocked me to find out the average person doesn't really listen to albums

  • May 29, 2022

    Put me on to Shakatak

    And word I feel that second paragraph so much lmao
    I gotta give it a serious go at some point though at least to know for sure I’m not inclined that way

    I'm obsessed with this song, that guitar is crazy, Jamiroquai vibes Then the piano comes in

  • May 29, 2022

    Did you always feel a drive to create too?

    oh yeah, ive never wanted to be anything else but a musician

    even being like 3 and 4 and not knowing any music artist by name but knowing i wanted to be one.

  • May 29, 2022

    same my dad bought me a radio and gave me some of his cd’s and it was up from there

  • yes, like writing music,remixes,composing, being like very intrigued by ad libs, how drums sounded, how drums sounded with vocals, phrases, how ppl rhymed, how the words would land or fall, also had this incredible knack, to memorize entire songs just listening to em a few times and hearing alot of stuff others werent pickin up on

    like sound and language really been my main interests since a kid
    remember writin and performin my earliest "songs" since the age of 5 literally

    plus synethesia always helped me visualize music/sound, so i guess this natural disabilty always made me gravitate towards music, sound has always felt like a very cinematic,colorful experience

    id be singing and rappin all day, beatboxin, dancing, emulatin instruments
    also lucky enough my parents are both from 2 diff parts of the world,so i got like these eclectic music influences compared to alot of my peers, who really werent up to par, music knowledge wise

    so yeah, fact that im 26 rn and a signed musician, isnt really a surprise to my family
    mfer been freestyling since a kiddo every space he went, so yeah obv my family noticed
    earliest ppl id even be compared to where Jimi Hendrix and Michael Jackson by family and friends, cause i loved music and entertaining/stages since a kid(adhd superpowers )

  • May 29, 2022

    i 100% do
    there's a lot of mystique with music that draws me to it. it's such a beautiful experience to listen to a new song and just fall in love with it.

    i wish i could create it too. i wish i had that natural talent in it.

  • May 29, 2022

    Yes definitely I loved reading through this thread and especially your OP it’s so similar to how it was for me too. When I was a kid my parents loved playing music out loud. As soon as I was old enough to use the internet on my own and not just ask my sister to put limewire music on an MP3 player, music was my first deep obsession and it only got more deeply rooted and thorough over time.

    In that way it became my main comfort and way of understanding & processing my life and perspective and the world. I realized when I became an adult especially it’s a very critical part of how I process and digest the world and how my thought processes work even since I was young.

    It is so magic and intangible to me and every day I listen to anything I’m reminded of how special it is. Music is so beautiful and spiritual to me now more than ever too, now that I have so much of my life spent listening and talking and thinking and discussing music. It’s everything to me !!

  • rvi 🐸
    May 29, 2022


    Ever since I was a baby and apparently I loved the "baby Mozart" type s*** my parents showed me. I loved it so much I got put in piano lessons when I was like 5 even though no one in my family ever played an instrument or anything like that. My parents also had me listening to a walkman with random ass music I loved when I was little. And when I was like 12 and discovering music for myself my knowledge was always crazy compared to everyone else I knew

    It's something that only keeps getting better over time for me too. I don't think I've ever enjoyed music more than I do now and I think it will keep continuing as long as I love and expand my taste and knowledge. Still haven't met anyone else that likes music as much as I do

    I think about it all day long and I dream about it too

  • May 29, 2022

    I genuinely think I’d be miserable if I didn’t have music in my life

  • proper 🔩
    May 29, 2022

    love drawing to music

  • safe


    When you first listen to an album do you feel like it’s the lyrics or the music that stands out?

    For me what you have to say is more important. I feel like 99% of the industry is following the same generic production and styles depending on the genre so that's why the lyrics are more important because it's the only thing separating you from everyone unless you make distinctive production the focus of your music

    I'm willing to forgive weak beats or give experimental stuff a chance if it has meaning but I know most people want to vibe to background music and club bangers

    I'm not trying to act superior because I can enjoy that music too but I prefer artists like Drake and Kendrick that craft stories and they use music to tell them but I wonder how much you and others itt are attached to music itself if hypothetically they both retire and switch to acting or something else to express the art

    Would you still follow them knowing you wouldn't get any albums again? I love the music but if Kendrick became an author and wrote movie scripts I wouldn't be mad if he thinks that's the best way to tell a story

  • May 29, 2022

    Music is the greatest thing this planet has ever come up with. Nothing else can have such an impact on you in such a short time

  • May 29, 2022

    Yep since i was a yung kiddo