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  • Mar 1, 2023

    During the pandemic, I spoke with a couple different landlords/management companies for different properties and they told me about their struggles of it all, typically their profit margins dropping, people late on rent constantly, or grueling repair fees for their building. They wondered if their tenants hated them and didn’t want them to have food on their table because they weren’t making profit like they used to. It totally changed their well-being.

    Well, ever since those convos, I usually add a 5% “Service Thank You” tip to my monthly payments. When I’ve spoke with my landlord, he was super receptive to the idea and said he’s going to try to implement it apartment-wide and maybe even bump up some rent to meet the thank you amount. Just feels good knowing I’m helping somebody else out like that. Anybody else relate to this?

  • Mar 1, 2023
    2 replies

    What the f***?

  • Mar 1, 2023

    You should tip your boss too

  • Mar 1, 2023


  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Mar 1, 2023

    Give my landlord a 20% tip every month

  • Mar 1, 2023

    @karlmarx you're up bro

  • Mar 1, 2023
  • my uncle is a landlord and the amount of vitriol he faces on a daily basis is pretty gross. the very online idea that landlords provide nothing to society is false and really hurts landlords who genuinely try to help the tenants. i'll consult with him to see if he would be receptive to the idea of adding a mandatory tip to his monthly payments to the tenants, it's the least he deserves really. good thread idea op.

  • Mar 1, 2023
    2 replies

  • Mar 1, 2023

    Not monthly. I do Christmas tips for my doormen, building service workers, and leasing office. That’s pretty standard in a luxury building in Manhattan

    Next year when I buy a house I’m not sure if there’s anyone I should be tipping but I’ll figure it out

  • Magenta 💞
    Mar 1, 2023

    Of course. Usually just 5%, sometimes I'll up it to 10% during the holiday season.

  • plants 🌻
    Mar 1, 2023
    2 replies

    i own my home outright

  • Mar 1, 2023

    No. Because i am a man with two gigantic balls

  • Mar 1, 2023

    Uh yeah, I tip my landlord lol. That's the person who puts a roof over my head, man. Y'all will tip for a s***ty meal but not for basic necessities required for your survival?

  • wolves 🐺
    Mar 1, 2023

    Thanks for this OP. Recently just purchased my second property to lease and it’s nice to see some people recognise the hard work and contributions to society we provide.

  • kainie 🌌
    Mar 1, 2023

    give them all your money for safe measure

  • Mar 1, 2023
    2 replies

    i own my home outright

    imo the idea of owning housing is deeply contradictory to leftist and socialist ideals, it concerns me that someone would so openly flaunt this when others cannot afford to do so

  • Mar 1, 2023
    1 reply

    Here and there, when I can. I’ve heard some nasty stories about how these landlords are treated and it really breaks my heart. They’re humans too, with their own job, trying to carve their own path. I’ve heard what happens when the bank comes knocking. Usually 6-7% but during holiday seasons or months when they are visibly stressed I’ll give them a 15% “Thank You.”

  • Mar 1, 2023

    Here and there, when I can. I’ve heard some nasty stories about how these landlords are treated and it really breaks my heart. They’re humans too, with their own job, trying to carve their own path. I’ve heard what happens when the bank comes knocking. Usually 6-7% but during holiday seasons or months when they are visibly stressed I’ll give them a 15% “Thank You.”

    Ass kissing much?

  • garetare

    Ngl this goes hard lol. 1st sentence says it clear and simple

  • Mar 1, 2023
    1 reply

    I don’t understand this mentality.

    They give you food and you can’t even give an extra “thanks?”

    And then they’re putting a ROOF over your head, with HEAT inside, and you can’t give an extra thank you? I don’t think you understand how little profits these folks make.

  • Mar 1, 2023

    Actually tipping billionaires would be a wild move like hand Elon a dollar in person like here you go young man

  • Mar 1, 2023

    this actually reminded me i need to pay my rent today

  • Mar 1, 2023
    1 reply

    Of course I do. Where would I be without my landlord? 15% or 5 dollars, whichever is higher, just like my Doordash orders.

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