i dont buy s*** i can make better at home lol
i dont buy s*** i can make better at home lol
do you prefer homemade cookies to be chewy or crunchy?
do you prefer homemade cookies to be chewy or crunchy?
doesnt matter, they're homemade
i dont buy s*** i can make better at home lol
ok ya but sometimes its a convenience thing...
but fr tho the chewy version of all those prepackaged cookies taste way too fake so crunchy >>>
Ur better than this dog
fr what a trivial thing to be elitist about
ok ya but sometimes its a convenience thing...
i am incredibly fortunate and blessed to have grocery stores full of the ingredients i need to make cookies as well as the safety of a nice home with a working oven and stocked kitchen
that's pretty convenient from my perspective
fr what a trivial thing to be elitist about
you're seeing elitism where there is none
i just have a different way of looking at life
im not looking down on anyone in this thread
i am incredibly fortunate and blessed to have grocery stores full of the ingredients i need to make cookies as well as the safety of a nice home with a working oven and stocked kitchen
that's pretty convenient from my perspective
not everyone has time to bake cookies from scratch dawg
not everyone has time to bake cookies from scratch dawg
again, just a way that i am blessed
you're seeing elitism where there is none
i just have a different way of looking at life
im not looking down on anyone in this thread
maybe not elitism but there definitely is dismissiveness