It's a strong habit of mine that I can't seem to break and I feel real guilty about it for some reason
No, I always look people in the eyes when talking to em but if we not talking then it’s just awkward to stare them down
That’s not really acknowledging, acknowledging would be saying what’s up or nodding at them
If someone makes eye contact with me in public i pop my face out at them like large marge
Im always looking at the ground in case someone dropped cash..
Back in the days it used to pay off. With covid ppl dont carry cash anymore.
depends if they look at me in a weird way and if they do i stare back and turn my head to stare them down when they pass in order to weird them out.
nah just ass contact if she got a nice ass
When I worked in retail, I tried my best to not make eye contact with a single customer.
Most rude, entitled, obnoxious people I’ve ever had the chance of being around.
Yeah I always try n catch their eye so I can nod n say hello
Sometimes u make eye contact with a nigga and then they stare u down n try to start something with u though so just be careful who u do it with