honestly older people tbh.
they'll give you more game than the youngins you hanging around.
Old people annoy the s*** out of me they always tell you what to do (like if you didn’t know) but mofos never do it themselves a broken record lmao
my dad almost 60 and he be playing soccer like 2-3 times a week w ppl half his age and younger lol
Damn I need to join an adult league
I’d be like cristiano ronaldo and cook all these old geezers
maybe it’s too late for them and they just making sure the younger homies don’t end up in the same place as them
I thought it mattered, but it does not really. I have a group of friends in college that ranges from 17 to 25 and we’re all good friends. (I’m 20)
Idk lost track of age lmfao
Idc as long as we can talk honestly
But ive always been closer to ppl around my age or younger,older not so muc
Still have a young soul ig
man I remember when college dudes used to come onto our high school campus during lunch time and walk around like they the s*** cause they was dating some hot senior
Or they would be in the parking lot waiting for school to get dismissed and they would be standing by the hood of their car parked right up front near the busses
I prefer to have close friends that are “older” or my age ONLY because they tend to be more “mature” and “intelligent”, but I’ve made friends that are younger than me who are more “mature” and “intelligent” than some older folks I know.
mostly in/around my age group like 18-26. one of my best friends who i met in a class like 2 years ago is 26 but he lowkey is less mature than me and acts like a 20 year old lol
My friends ages range from 21-31, but my close friends are all around my age because we went to high school together. Can't see myself being friends with someone under 21.
my youngest friends are 4 years younger than i am and my oldest friends are mostly 30
but average is 23-26 i’m 25
and yeah i kinda prefer having friends around my age but friends are friends