if whole lotta red was like 7 songs shorter it would be perfect. Die lit not that consistent either but the highs on it are like some of the greatest music ever made (RIP Fredo, Long Time, Home)
long time might be a seminal work of art in human history
Wlr still his best
WLR>Self Titled>Die Lit
But I f*** w all 3
Im a huge Carti fan and have been forever but never was able to fully get w the die lit hype
I was disappointed w it when it came out initially, wlr is the album from carti i always wanted
never did
Hell naw y'all can keep that reddit 4chan music . The worst downfall in quality I've ever witnessed tbh
I like Die lit more for its higher replayability
and i LOVE wlr. but die lit is my favorite album ever recorded
Hell naw y'all can keep that reddit 4chan music . The worst downfall in quality I've ever witnessed tbh
Hell naw y'all can keep that reddit 4chan music . The worst downfall in quality I've ever witnessed tbh
calling wlr reddit and 4chan music
couldnt be more out of touch
Carti will never top "long time" and that's ok.
fools might OD on the copium while thinking anything from WLR is better
Long Time and @ meh his best songs to me
WLR > Die Lit but not by a huge margin
the gap has widened. WLR >>>>> Die Lit. i really don't go back to Die Lit anymore tbh but i replay WLR quite frequently
Die Lit made me a Carti fan i actually hated self titled on first listen
both are exceptional and very different but personally i prefer WLR. i think overall it has more highs, even if Long Time is the best track of either album