Just curious:
As much as I hate the mainstream popular artists that came out of that s*** era; there is a lot of truly amazing tracks by obscure artists that you can't find anywhere else online.
Is there a way to preserve these tracks?
I'm a bit scared that if nobody uses their platform then ALL of this content released from like 2010-2018 will just be lost media.
only for songs i cant find anywhere else
i hate keeping the app on my phone
plus i'm sure that someone is archiving the biggest artist's music
rarely, not much interest browsing there when bandcamp exists
I do agree, but there is a lot of really underground loosies from popular artists that are on it.
Only reason I mess with it too.
i browse for new artists then listen to their streaming catalog
if an artist has non streaming stuff i like i can usually find a compilation to download and add to my apple music
soundcloud is making a nice comeback actually.
with artists like SSGKobe, Sofaygo, Weiland, Slayworld, TyFontaine making a buzz in thr underground scene
go on it when im feeling nostalgic to shuffle thru my liked tracks
havent added to it since like 2017
I'm a bit scared that if nobody uses their platform then ALL of this content released from like 2010-2018 will just be lost media.
I used to until it logged me out and I forgot the email/password info for it. I should figure it out because there were a lot of a good songs from underground producers and DJs I was listening to back in 2011-2013.
Amorphous finally made it