  • Purrp 🌚
    Nov 9, 2021

    Obviously Iridescence was pretty divisive among the fanbase and made hastily in the aftermath of the Ameer scandal. Puppy from snippets and leaks seemed to be a natural progression of their sound from the Sat trilogy, Iridescence not so much.

    Would puppy have changed their career trajectory post 2018 or is this just a case of their sound falling out of favor with a wider audience?

    They bounced back with the success of Ginger and quality of Roadrunner but i think it’s fair to say they’ve not reached the same level of popularity they once had.

  • Nov 9, 2021
    2 replies

    "They bounced back with the success of Ginger and quality of Roadrunner"

  • ghosting ®️
    Nov 9, 2021
    1 reply

    free romil

  • Nov 9, 2021
    2 replies

    would have been different if they didn’t kick the best member out the group

  • Nov 9, 2021
    RICKY 2320

    "They bounced back with the success of Ginger and quality of Roadrunner"

    Roadrunner was good

  • Nov 9, 2021
    1 reply

    lil nas x could have been a brockhampton member

  • ghosting ®️
    Nov 9, 2021
    1 reply

    would have been better with ameer, the other member rap too same-y

  • Nov 9, 2021

    100000 times yes

    they wouldve been in an extremely different type of spce if they wouldve dropped puppy

  • ghosting ®️
    Nov 9, 2021
    le epic poster xD

    lil nas x could have been a brockhampton member

  • Nov 9, 2021
    2 replies

    Puppy would've been great I just know it. Everything after has been mostly miss imo. I liked Roadrunner when it dropped but I haven't peeped ever since.

  • Purrp 🌚
    Nov 9, 2021
    RICKY 2320

    "They bounced back with the success of Ginger and quality of Roadrunner"

    Sugar went plat and had a Dua Lipa remix, also I think it’s one of their highest charting songs? I would call that a win

  • Nov 9, 2021
    1 reply
    Sir Swagalot

    Puppy would've been great I just know it. Everything after has been mostly miss imo. I liked Roadrunner when it dropped but I haven't peeped ever since.

    Same. I liked it and played it a lot around when it dropped but haven’t gon back to it.

    I can’t believe it dropped this year too wtf

  • Nov 9, 2021

    Same. I liked it and played it a lot around when it dropped but haven’t gon back to it.

    I can’t believe it dropped this year too wtf

    There's been so much better music this year that it just got overshadowed

  • Purrp 🌚
    Nov 9, 2021
    1 reply
    Sir Swagalot

    Puppy would've been great I just know it. Everything after has been mostly miss imo. I liked Roadrunner when it dropped but I haven't peeped ever since.

    Same. I was hyped for Bankroll for like 2 years and played it for maybe a week. It kinda lived up to the snippet hype but not really.

    That Jpeg song renegaded the whole album for me and I still haven’t gone back to it since April

  • THIB 🦌
    Nov 9, 2021

    joba medieval cheese verse cursed the group

  • Nov 9, 2021

    I think I'm starting to get to the point in my life where I'm outgrowing them tbh. Saturation 1-3 are some of my favorite albums of the 2010s and I'll always return to them but everything just seems so corny nowadays. they're trying way too hard to compensate with the loss off Ameer and on top of that, I feel like their production has gotten worse. They try going over the top way too much and experimenting with sounds that does not work for them.

  • Purrp 🌚
    Nov 9, 2021
    1 reply

    would have been better with ameer, the other member rap too same-y

    “But Ameer uses the sAme FLoW”

  • Nov 9, 2021

    They got rid of the only rapper and were left with guys spitting about wizards and fairies

  • Nov 9, 2021

    Same. I was hyped for Bankroll for like 2 years and played it for maybe a week. It kinda lived up to the snippet hype but not really.

    That Jpeg song renegaded the whole album for me and I still haven’t gone back to it since April

    yeah that JPEG song is great ngl but like i said i have no desire to return to it

  • I think their career as a group would be in a pretty good place right now if they’d all kept their hands to themselves and stayed out of teenagers’ DMs.

  • Purrp 🌚
    Nov 9, 2021

    Their production crew needs to branch out. I think they could really usher in some new life to a lot of genres rn

  • Nov 9, 2021

    I mean I think it would've been a stepping stone into a more prominent mainstream position that they could've had if not for the Ameer stuff

    They also had a second chance at this with the popularity of SUGAR, but COVID kinda messed up the momentum of that

  • The entire Ameer situation stifled their momentum

    Scrapping their best project to date & dropping Iridescence with a pregnant woman on the cover was the final nail in the coffin

  • ghosting ®️
    Nov 9, 2021
    1 reply

    “But Ameer uses the sAme FLoW”

    he might use the same flow himself but his flow is pretty different than the other members (or at least his voice/cadence is)

  • Nov 9, 2021
    1 reply

    they're teasing the release of Puppy but I'm skeptical. i have a feeling they're gonna edit out Ameer's verses which is gonna f***ing suck