  • splice

    would have been different if they didn’t kick the best member out the group

    hate to say this on misogyny to the but they kicked him out strictly because of industry politics not bc of what he actually did #facts

  • Nov 9, 2021
    1 reply

    sometimes its better to just appreciate what we have then wonder what if

    I think it speaks a lot about what Ameer brought to the group with the fact that his verse is sooooooo much less complex than Dom’s here, but 1000000x as effective in making the listener feel something

  • Nov 9, 2021

    I think it speaks a lot about what Ameer brought to the group with the fact that his verse is sooooooo much less complex than Dom’s here, but 1000000x as effective in making the listener feel something

    Pac wasnt complex like AZ or GZA neither