i mean is there anything any1 can say in this thred to make u stop lmao
Trying to overdose on weed rn 👍
Fine line between functioning and crippling. It’s absolutely possible though. Like a fact. It’s been done.
Damn I can’t even remember which books I bought lol. I think Princeton review? That’s a thing right? Lol
But you just have to put in the time, and use your time well. When you’re studying, make sure you’re taking notes. If you’re just reading things without writing anything down, then you’re not going to absorb as much information. Take plenty of practice tests.
Don’t be afraid to go back to the basics. Science tends to build on itself, so if you don’t have a good foundation of the basics then it’ll be harder to build up everything else
thanks brother
Rly depends
U might start out doing fine but as u move up ur life will become more consumed with work then it will be very difficult. That's when ppl go off the edge. But some ppl still hold on they're rarely the best at what they do tho they're jus coasting off a resume
I am in tune bro
Bro like i completly wash ppl when playing ball high
Everything feels normal too me, and i smoked everyday the last 2-3 weeks
Basketball high is crazy. You see the game different
No ya f***jbg p**** get off the f***in d**** ya junkie
Bro are you really a f***ing boomer? Or are you commiting to this role for fun
And bro im not a junkie i would wash you in a hundred yard dash or whatever thqt is called in the us
It all depends on how u handle the d**** plus ur habits
Know dudes in high paying programming positions who stay high all the time
You said frequently though
That would only work in some professions in entertainment or arts (if were talking marijuana)
i smoked almost every day for 5 years. i quit about 3 weeks ago cause im tryna beat my derealization.
my mind is much sharper and my short term memory is crazy improved.
ask yourself: are your highs as great as they were in the beginning right now? youre dependent bruh.
It wasn't for me. Could b done w self control n moderation tho. Jus b real w urself n dont make excuses. Ur goal should be success and then also do d****, not to be a successful d*** user
So if ur anything like me smoking every second day will turn into everyday pretty fukn quick
also weed clouds your mind and i guarantee you that you would be sharper, more alert, and more in tune with reality if you smoked once a month and not 15 times a month
Feel like OP made this thread in response to a post me and someone else made about him smoking but this is basically what I was getting at. No matter how good you're doing in life, I can pretty much guarantee you'd be doing the same and probably even better without smoking weed. Don't mind the occasional toke like once a month, but niggas delude themselves into thinking they're doing fine in life being high everyday.
@Sean_Combs_Filter speaking facts too, I was constantly smoking in my first year at college. Was high at my orientation and in most of my classes, I'm still studying here 4 years later and I feel like its f***ed up my college experience. Didn't have the relationships and experiences I would have liked to have