It's a problem in a handful of countries, maybe not even a handful, India the only one that comes to mind immediately
I'm sure for future generations it will become a bigger problem though
But also who's to say some natural disaster doesn't wipe out a chunk of the population or something in 80 years
studies based on the usage off resources so that everyone can live a standard western live
when that s*** is in no way the ideal way too live, I mean cause of that we ruining the whole planet
Yo mans just said he didn’t know enough to give an educated opinion three times why are you pressing him so hard
Also I only see white people advocating for overpopulation Control and hating on traditional societies for having children
A lot of westerners use overpopulation to project the issues we’ve created onto the third world
Capitalism makes y’all think we don’t have enough resources while the 1% hoards
this, soooooo much this
overpopulation is an ecofascist myth. more food is produced than can possibly be consumed by everyone on the planet. there are more houses than there are homeless people. the reason these resources don't get to the people that need them is by design. it isn't profitable for the global elite.
Rich people and big corporations are responsible for most of the carbon emissions. This is the root problem. Western countries contribute the most to climate change, but blame overpopulation in order to shift blame onto the global south.
This is the world we live in and s***s not gonna change anytime soon cuz people are too ignorant towards socialism. But adding more people to the equation does nothing but make it WORSE. Whats gonna happen when developing countries rapidly increase their consumption rates like Chinas done? Both things can be true. Its amazing what Twitter will convince some of you of
so we should just accept how it currently is