Usually they get more freedom on the second movie, but Doctor Strange was mid and didn't make a ton of money so I guess they weren't comfortable with Derrickson having too much control.
Ironically the reason the reception for the first one was so lukewarm was because of how formulaic it felt. Disney isn't going to get a more successful product by playing it even safer
F***k man I'm not even hype for this anymore. Disney finally had a chance to try something new to shake up the MCU, and they still decide to play it safe
yeah I feel you, this just gonna be a regular mcu movie with a couple jumpscares lol
Recent history has shown that anytime a film changes directors the film ends up disastrous, and usually the script is too complicated for one director to bring to fruition
been having high hopes for this one so hope it breaks the trend
He was complaining on Twitter about pre announced release dates a couple weeks ago
They bumped up WandaVision too
Hopefully Thor moves up and takes this date
Creative differences probably about the film not being true “horror” and all the suggestions to take his place are more almost strictly horror directors
streets saying raimi takin over
So are we just gonna pretend like Derrickson's filmography isn't trash?
Sinister is a classic :word:
So if this film is really tying into wandavision and also potentially the loki series and will have ramifications for the MCU, it makes sense fiege didn't want it to be a full on horror film. It's gonna be essential viewing and not letting kids be able to watch something that will impact the other films is a bad idea.
Thank god that was a close one we almost got more mid that wouldn't explore strange's potential