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    Mark Moschino

    it’s crazy how formulaic this season ktt is

    We need our Luka trade

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    That’s one way to kill your momentum while your hot lol

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    We need our Luka trade

    our Luka trade was condom eyes and huge drake fan for elemental for better or worse

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    Not necessarily about “caring” about it but notice how you immediately gotta put out these type of “you a BAN if you care about this” strawmans to immediately sidestep any a***ysis/antagonistic opinion towards why she’s speaking like this lol

    Do “we” have to care about it for her rhetoric to influence our daughters/sisters/younger black girls? Lol the way s*** has gone since like 2016 and online discourse related to these topics is literally why she’s speaking like this. “Red flag” “straight man” lmaoo they just called niggas chauvinistic pigs 2005 and prior for what shes trying to express, they didn’t use these “im trying to make the most charismatic tik tok possible” tiktok speak extremes.

    So much of this type of rhetoric is just regurgitating other people’s opinions to then trickle down and influence the next generation of black women and thats the real problem.

    Also rich coming from someone who got a song about being duped by a DL nigga but whatever, again, this aint even about her personal preference

    We are so far cooked lol. Black family structure - 0 CIA - 40 selm

    niggas gone be sick when they find out these kids are now having conversations about and having relationships and liking same gender at 8-10 and the straight kids confused as hell cause the gay kid and neither kid knows how to process the complex conversation they are trying to have at such a young age cause there’s also all the innocent kids just tryna memeorize all the countries in the world

    we’re cooked

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    I'm grateful I'm a man, I wouldn't be able to deal with the cat calling and other unnecessary s*** that comes with just being a woman

    But this "fuck men, all men are bad" s*** that's being said just for props from other women who hate men is lame af. Especially when you know these the same type of women who still expect men to fulfil traditionally masculine duties. They go on a date, they expect the man to pay. If they were to get mugged/attacked and a man they were with didn't do s*** to protect them, they'd hold it against him. You don't get to have it both ways

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    The dramatics as if this isnt a regular Tik Toker opinion

    We got to the point where one of “those” is now a big 3 trending artist (and actually good/superstar trajectory) which is a symptom of the times lol

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    niggas gone be sick when they find out these kids are now having conversations about and having relationships and liking same gender at 8-10 and the straight kids confused as hell cause the gay kid and neither kid knows how to process the complex conversation they are trying to have at such a young age cause there’s also all the innocent kids just tryna memeorize all the countries in the world

    we’re cooked

    This is the root droplet that will be the ripple to get this locked. Im not giving my opinion on this aspect any further but Im just letting you know nigga lmaoo

  • BlueChew Sean

    I'm grateful I'm a man, I wouldn't be able to deal with the cat calling and other unnecessary s*** that comes with just being a woman

    But this "fuck men, all men are bad" s*** that's being said just for props from other women who hate men is lame af. Especially when you know these the same type of women who still expect men to fulfil traditionally masculine duties. They go on a date, they expect the man to pay. If they were to get mugged/attacked and a man they were with didn't do s*** to protect them, they'd hold it against him. You don't get to have it both ways

    They’re just talking for the internet. Irl they aren’t really moving like that.

  • Nocta40 🦂
    1 reply

    our Luka trade was condom eyes and huge drake fan for elemental for better or worse

  • inspoeater

    We got to the point where one of “those” is now a big 3 trending artist (and actually good/superstar trajectory) which is a symptom of the times lol

    They’d never let someone who’s actually radical and progressive blow up, its just the run of the mill social media hate train brain we’re all used to seeing by now

  • She said it's a red flag for her as in a potential partner

    F*** your couch

  • inspoeater

    This is the root droplet that will be the ripple to get this locked. Im not giving my opinion on this aspect any further but Im just letting you know nigga lmaoo

    it gets deep. luckily I caught it early in my youngin and she knows how to openly discuss everything next 2 decades gonna be hilarious

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    @Leftside himself not sure if he Rob Pelinka or Nico Harrison

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    i think the biggest concern for me would be going to a club itself, cause i hate that s***. But i wouldn't have a problem going to a gay club, im super secure with that

    You think the majority of straight males is doing that? I will say where I live in the city, it’s been gentrified over the years, so it’s a lotta lgtbq in my area. You will see men from out south, n out west come to this part of town on the dl. For some reason they love to congregate at the Whole Foods by my crib

    You just gonna see a bunch of niggas n trans women looking popped right on the corner on a random Tuesday

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    that's okay because I'm listening to Massive by Drake right now!

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  • yungcartier

    That’s one way to kill your momentum while your hot lol

    they’ll work that anxiety record and drown this out

  • yungcartier

    That’s one way to kill your momentum while your hot lol

    Twitter been starving for a quote like this from her

  • Plight2

    glad im not emasculated enough to pretend that this isnt very corny

    s*** had me wincing

  • i just love that gif lol

    how's everybody Saturday goin?

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    We all losing our avys

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    Zack gonna be in here in the first page.
    Elemental and them will argue page 2
    Condom Eyes diatribe will be on pages 3-7

    I can't believe this is how you all live your lives

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    We all losing our avys

    how's your saturday going Mr. Dope?
