I had no interest in getting into some philosophical debate about American demographics or w/e, I just wanted to emote a lil bit
I’m a mod of politics sxn and I wish I could stop threads automatically being moved to there. Just isn’t a good design choice.
I don’t have a childish view of the president’s role so yeah I believe it happened. Obama was a whole CIA actor from another country and he was president. It’s not that crazy, they’ll put whoever up there.
I don’t have a childish view of the president’s role so yeah I believe it happened. Obama was a whole CIA actor from another country and he was president. It’s not that crazy, they’ll put whoever up there.
You got anything I can read on that
You got anything I can read on that
This just touches on the lack of background on him prior to a certain point: wikispooks.com/wiki/Barack_Obama#Background
This is covering his family ties to the CIA: mronline.org/2021/10/07/a-company-family-the-untold-history-of-obama-and-the-cia
This just touches on the lack of background on him prior to a certain point: https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Barack_Obama#Background
This is covering his family ties to the CIA: https://mronline.org/2021/10/07/a-company-family-the-untold-history-of-obama-and-the-cia/
Im aware of his mother and CIA ties
You dont think he was democratically elected?
Im aware of his mother and CIA ties
You dont think he was democratically elected?
I can’t say. I don’t think it matters one way or the other. If John McCain got in there he would’ve advanced the CIA torture program in the name of patriotism. Obama was just a better look coming off the Bush administration.
Man called Mexicans rapist his first day running and people say America isnt a racist country
Look it up facts
how are you going to post the entire clip and still take it out of context lmfao moron.
Something shifted in 2016 and we’ve yet to recover
how are you going to post the entire clip and still take it out of context lmfao moron.
How is it out of context
This just touches on the lack of background on him prior to a certain point: https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Barack_Obama#Background
This is covering his family ties to the CIA: https://mronline.org/2021/10/07/a-company-family-the-untold-history-of-obama-and-the-cia/
We need to take mental illness more seriously man
Trump is a bozo but he's been talking about running for president since the 80s. It really wasn't that surprising.
I was born in 99 brother, everything as far as his political affiliations/influence arrived to me after. None of my elders talked much about s*** like the Central Park 5 and how he impacted that whole situation either
Maybe just because he was such a goofy guy that seemingly took himself unserious that the dark side of trump never got mentioned much. Maybe it was just bc he was largely irrelevant by the time I became cognizant. Who knows
We need to take mental illness more seriously man
I get it, but just disagree and move on. Why throw in the mental health spin which just reads as dismissive?
Something shifted in 2016 and we’ve yet to recover
I wouldn’t be fully shocked if 1000 a years from now, the time period between Trayvon and George Zimmerman to 2020 isn’t a reflection point for a US implosion
I mean you can’t find 2 people out of a 5 person room that are even willing to treat COVID, specifically 2020-21, like it was an actual pandemic. That’s a legitimate problem (and probably not just one that we share, but we got the disease the worst lmao). I remember looking at the exit polls for various topics last Election Day like…we’re digging our own graves. Per those polls, DJT handling a super disease disastrously hardly even mattered.
I get it, but just disagree and move on. Why throw in the mental health spin which just reads as dismissive?
I don’t personally care either way, but I think you opened yourself up to it leading off with “I don’t have a childish view…”
That has a pretty pretentious tone to it, and I felt as if you were met with an equal force by the other poster
You wondered if one of the most racist countries voted for a racist sexual predator?
I believe it
You wondered if one of the most racist countries voted for a racist sexual predator?
I believe it
Are there no other outlandish qualities of Trump’s character other than racism and predatory acts
the presidency has been comical since 2016
including trump including sleepy joe
forget what side you think “resonates” more with your “view of thinking” - just look at both parties and tell me honestly does anybody in there give you confidence?
Change 2016 to 1789 and stop it right there
Are there no other outlandish qualities of Trump’s character other than racism and predatory acts
Xenophobic? Sexist? Hateful? Disgusting? Pedo? Evil?
Are there no other outlandish qualities of Trump’s character other than racism and predatory acts
But see that’s what I mean. People have such a one dimensional view of the presidency that it borders on infantile.
No republican can gain traction without some sort of pro stance on border control. It goes way beyond whether or not he’s racist.
I don't think Trump actually intended to be president initially. Dude probably thought his run would be a great PR move...but then he actually started winning, lol.
I don't think Trump actually intended to be president initially. Dude probably thought his run would be a great PR move...but then he actually started winning, lol.
A book I peeped by a guy who had media credentials + Trump cabinet led with the same thing
It was literally just supposed to be a revitalization of the mid 2000s, early 90s relevancy he had