Xenophobic? Sexist? Hateful? Disgusting? Pedo? Evil?
You just wrote like 5 derivatives of the same aforementioned qualities lmao
Yes someone that’s racist has won often, but a (most times intentionally presenting as such) tactless dolt with no remorse for the lack of social grace THATS ALSO not a politician
It’s being obtuse to pretend as if that package has won the presidency often lmfao. No reason to be shell shocked that a Donald Trump type won, guys!
Let's break it down, I didn't understand myself either during his rise and first run but now I think I have a coherent picture.
I believe that we are in the era of post-modernity (and post-truth), in that narratives are simply what we want to believe. Perception of reality is formed by ideology. There is no supreme way to view it IMO.
Trump understood something the liberals, neo-conservatives and traditional leftist radicals didn't, truth doesn't matter if you can bend the perception of reality to your will, and if your audience simply doesn't care. He tapped into an entire radical right-wing populist movement that the neocons lost control over, just by playing with the media, and thus reality that one perceives.
Trump is a symptom of material causes, he didn't just come out of nowhere, but it goes before even Reagan was elected, it’s rooted in the era of post-1960s/1970s radicalism.
I'd recommend this video.
The thing I wonder is how do we move past this condition that allows the rise of these demagogues?
I'd also recommend Hypernormalisation and Can't Get You Out Of My Head by Adam Curtis, I disagree with some of the points presented in them, but it does have a coherent thesis on how we got to these crazy times, Trump is a big topic in Hypernormalisation
the presidency has been comical since 2016
including trump including sleepy joe
forget what side you think “resonates” more with your “view of thinking” - just look at both parties and tell me honestly does anybody in there give you confidence?
none of these people are for us, country is behind 50 years because of these corrupt old f***s