crine your down bad
come back when you have one of these in your wallet smh
its called health care
"Standard conditions for temperature and pressure"
Uses temperature in calculations which is answering the post I replied to
the title of my thread
Thats all you need to know
Everyones tough til you pullup in one of these
f*** i love riling up americans so much to attack them on
canadians still using america fat jokes in 2021 then eat s*** like this
whats wrong with liberia ?
They're like 5 million people + 350 mil against 7 billion doing it right
crine your down bad
come back when you have one of these in your wallet smh
its called health care
government paid for my chemo idgaf
the title of my thread
Celsius is easier to use in those calculations (and every other calculations hence why it's the universal consensus for science)
What I posted is an example of that but go off, I see you got it
sounds like u in the wrong 10%
the worst part of the worst city in the country aka still nicer than your downtowns
Youve never left the country i can tell i can tell dawg
celcius and it's not even close
you tell em
"My country bombs more kids than everyone else!"
Everyones tough til you pullup in one of these
Is a op a trump supporter ?
nah but that would still be better than stanning devin booker
sounds like u in the wrong 10%
Im in the top 5% of my age group for net worth
Celsius is easier to use in those calculations (and every other calculations hence why it's the universal consensus for science)
What I posted is an example of that but go off, I see you got it
Americans will have nothing to fall back on once China overtakes them as the world's leading power this decade lmfaooo
Youve never left the country i can tell i can tell dawg
nah went to switzerland france the netherlands and belgium it was nice besides the guy beating his gf in the middle of the street in brussels
man who f***in cares