Juicy J
Can confirm
i genuinely think nobody who really hates their life listens to him if im having a bad day im NOT listening to larry june
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wy1D7FhoJes&list=RDWy1D7FhoJes&start_radio=1&ab_channel=LarryJune!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvtQH3DCXa4&list=RDWy1D7FhoJes&index=3&ab_channel=LarryJune!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNNpZ1-4YW0&list=RDWy1D7FhoJes&index=3&ab_channel=LarryJuneWhy his music uplifting asf
Always makes me wanna smile and think abt the positive
Lmao niggas in the streets pickin larry over dom in a heartbeat
As a fan of both
Idk why they always gettin compared anyways they “vibe” is similar but lyrics/content way different
he like if dom tried to rap like currency but more smoothies and whole food shopping than weed talk
he like if dom tried to rap like currency but more smoothies and whole food shopping than weed talk
Don’t get why people say Larry June a budget dom Kennedy all the time
His music always puts me in a good mood hard not to enjoy life while listening to larry june
if dom Kennedy was still in his prime this nigga would be nothing
This is so false
First song got some The Cool Kids vibes. I like, gonna check more out.
This s*** stay motivating me
Ay Ay Ay
Dawg this my favorite June song of all time
Real f***ing one