Out the mud. Man, bro makes perfect music imo. Never marganalize yourself
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azasRu_KWMo&ab_channel=LarryJuneFresh haircut on a Saturday music
Good job Larry. Aye aye aye ayeeeeeeee (wavy beat drop)
yeeheeeee ! sock it to me !
its facts dom got way more love in the streets
yea, I live in a gated community but if you know you know
Niggas that get money in 2022 listen to Larry over Dom. Get hip
First song got some The Cool Kids vibes. I like, gonna check more out.
You'll probably like this then
i genuinely think nobody who really hates their life listens to him if im having a bad day im NOT listening to larry june
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wy1D7FhoJes&list=RDWy1D7FhoJes&start_radio=1&ab_channel=LarryJune!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvtQH3DCXa4&list=RDWy1D7FhoJes&index=3&ab_channel=LarryJune!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNNpZ1-4YW0&list=RDWy1D7FhoJes&index=3&ab_channel=LarryJuneIf I’m having a bad day I listen to Uncle Larry and artists like him to put me in a better motivated mood
Lmao niggas in the streets pickin larry over dom in a heartbeat
As a fan of both
Idk why they always gettin compared anyways they “vibe” is similar but lyrics/content way different
Definitely picking Larry June over Dom and I’m from LA. Larry content is better
I would actually bump him for positive affirmations if u are having a bad day fam.
On some healthy 🍊 ish
Bro, seein Larry grow from "I f***ed up my leg" to "Check it out bisshhh u gone snooze or lose" is motivational as f***. Dude is making actual life/business moves and puttin it in his music. Ye hee lol wass hannin
Numbers Aye ayeaye
He really does sound a lot like dom Kennedy now that u guys mention it
Nope. Sounds more Curren$y meets E-40 influenced
This s*** stay motivating me
Ay Ay Ay
Nope. Sounds more Curren$y meets E-40 influenced
Comparing this dude to Spitta is disrespectful and quite frankly not 🅿️
He does
Honestly don’t get what y’all see in Dom Kennedy. Nigga would come on a track and ruin features each and every time