their voices are very similar but Doja just executed 90% of her tracks just flawlessly and the numbers only prove it. what are yall thoughts ?
tinashe is a better and more interesting artist than doja.
Ay but being interesting ain’t what sell
tinashe is a better and more interesting artist than doja.
she did not make a solid project after amethyst and her attempt at becoming a pop star was whack
Ay but being interesting ain’t what sell
is this a charts discussion or a discography discussion?
she did not make a solid project after amethyst and her attempt at becoming a pop star was whack
strong disagree
and even so all of dojas songs sound so trend chasery and samey… they’re boring and lack inspiration. no risks. tiktok hits. even though i don’t love tinashe’s pop efforts the rest of her music balances it out
their voices are very similar but Doja just executed 90% of her tracks just flawlessly and the numbers only prove it. what are yall thoughts ?
Stop bro Tinashe music is on another level than Dojas play-fun music
Tina she was robbed by Rihanna
These 2 couldn't be further apart what kind of comparison is this? Tinashe wanted to be a s***symbol and Doja is a self hating racist and tiktok artist.
These 2 couldn't be further apart what kind of comparison is this? Tinashe wanted to be a s***symbol and Doja is a self hating racist and tiktok artist.
Sounds like they the same
what's up with the tinashe/doja comparisons?
Y'all should compare doja's career to Nicki minaj's career tbh
If Tinashe was in racial chat rooms showing feet I’d throw up
Need more TSU surf vs mook feet pics
Sounds like they the same
i dont stan either of these b****es but honestly tinashe fell off real bad and her music feels forced lol
Tinashe is an album artist and Doja is barely even a decent singles artist. This gets stupid the more you think about it.
is this a charts discussion or a discography discussion?
Honestly it’s all moot, I feel like any good discography can reach and be understood by a lot of people, and the charts are just one measure of many
Tinashe is an album artist and Doja is barely even a decent singles artist. This gets stupid the more you think about it.
then why doja got better albums than tinashe
These 2 couldn't be further apart what kind of comparison is this? Tinashe wanted to be a s***symbol and Doja is a self hating racist and tiktok artist.
I feel like they only compare the two because they're biracial (I heard people say they look alike) + tinashe is seen as a huge flop so it's easy to make your fave look better in comparison to her (from the charts obsessed pop fans pov)
tinashe is a better and more interesting artist than doja.
not interesting enough to sell over 10k
All lightskin women the same OP?
no doja is ugly and tinashe looks good but dojas music is better than tinashes
i dont stan either of these b****es but honestly tinashe fell off real bad and her music feels forced lol
she wasn’t selling well but her label (rca) was also holding her back, just like they’re holding back normani. i don’t see how tinashes music is more forced than dojas … dojas feels like every gen z social trend stuffed into one mediocre track
not interesting enough to sell over 10k
and that didnt happen once
she didn’t break the ice since 2on lol