Apparently he has knowingly donated money towards a neo-nazi who was on trial for some sexual assault case. Does that make him a neo-nazi exactly? Eh I guess not, but that is taking nazi-sympathizing to another level.
It does make him that lol. If you do s*** like that and say it's funny because you declare it funny, it's just not funny nor is it any way to shield you from what you are doing
Irony triangle or whatever it's called
Sam is a bizarre character politically. His politics are parody level of right wing talking points but when you look at his employees, he employs a ton of trans, gay, and minority people who he seems to have no real issue with and is best friends w Jewish dudes
What kind of fantasy world are you living in? Fabricated Sam Hyde defender talking points? Cmon man
Post 4-5 of his trans, gay, minority employees and their twitters
What kind of fantasy world are you living in? Fabricated Sam Hyde defender talking points? Cmon man
Post 4-5 of his trans, gay, minority employees and their twitters
you're delusional if you read me saying he has trans employees and think thats some sort of immediate defense of him. tf? you think just because i pointed out he has trans employees that's somehow mutually exclusive from him being politically r-t-r-ded? raytheon and lockheed martin have trans employees too and they're the most evil corps on this planet. the point is just that he's politically inconsistent and he's an opportunist for controversy
going back to her roots after a flop
need babyxsosa to stop associating with this fraud
you're delusional if you read me saying he has trans employees and think thats some sort of immediate defense of him. tf? you think just because i pointed out he has trans employees that's somehow mutually exclusive from him being politically r-t-r-ded? raytheon and lockheed martin have trans employees too and they're the most evil corps on this planet. the point is just that he's politically inconsistent and he's an opportunist for controversy
His views do not PARODY right wing, they are right wing. His show bumps had s*** talking about love your landlord into and out of segments. His is as right wing as right wing gets in America. Full throated Nazi support. If anything he uses people for clout or labor as any capitalist trying to make it would
His views do not PARODY right wing, they are right wing. His show bumps had s*** talking about love your landlord into and out of segments. His is as right wing as right wing gets in America. Full throated Nazi support. If anything he uses people for clout or labor as any capitalist trying to make it would
re-read what i said. in the english language calling something "parody level" does not mean "parodying". it means it's a grossly exaggerated form of
What kind of fantasy world are you living in? Fabricated Sam Hyde defender talking points? Cmon man
Post 4-5 of his trans, gay, minority employees and their twitters
I think he’s referring to the weed carriers of the zoomer weed carriers he has groomed since 2018. . They are jew and trans
I think he’s referring to the weed carriers of the zoomer weed carriers he has groomed since 2018. . They are jew and trans
Zoomers politics are pretty extreme and hard to deal with. I feel like 75% are socialists and s*** but then the opposite side of that is like, Jewish Nazis. That Bill Clinton kid is Jewish and definitely a groyper as well. I guess it’s not all that different from Netanyahu being very right wing and he’s the head of the “Jewish state” Israel
What was that show he had on Adult Swim?
Some of the skits that show had were funny
But the guy is a weirdo
What was that show he had on Adult Swim?
Some of the skits that show had were funny
But the guy is a weirdo
million dollar extreme world peace
Danny brown shouted him out for fish tank on his podcast this year which was kinda crazy also lol
why the f*** would any black person be a fan of this “comedian” who is not even funny at all
how does that seem to not bring him any type of negative attention lol
im sure it works in his favor heavy with mde fans supporting him but on the other side of that spectrum i feel like ive never seen anyone call him out on it or something
but then again i could just not be seeing it because despite me making a conscious effort to keep up with the underground i’ve never really paid joeyy much attention
it's meme s***
white kids pretending to sleep on a dirty venue floor
Sam drops this tee after seeing her tweet along with other merch including a rerelease of the one she’s wearing