To my understanding he's a performance artist, but his stuff is so extreme you could can say that he's legitimately bigoted.
But I don't believe he's ACTUALLY a forreal Neo- Nazi, or would identify as one.
That's my surface level knowledge. I don't really care to engage with learning more beyond that.
Apparently he has knowingly donated money towards a neo-nazi who was on trial for some sexual assault case. Does that make him a neo-nazi exactly? Eh I guess not, but that is taking nazi-sympathizing to another level.
She's pretty much an overexposed ,famous hardcore 4chan user. What do people want out of this girl lol
I wouldn't be surprised if she turned out to be a Chris-torian as well.
Apparently he has knowingly donated money towards a neo-nazi who was on trial for some sexual assault case. Does that make him a neo-nazi exactly? Eh I guess not, but that is taking nazi-sympathizing to another level.
Ooh I definitely think it's weird.
Personally I believe she just has that bottom of the barrel edgy 4Chan humor; and never grew out of that for some reason. not necessarily a Kanye situation.
But ppl who do that is still weird
Oooo she a rebel
EVEN THE RAP CRITIC IS DISAPPOINTED!!! mean the biden admin is giving billions to nazis 10ks not that much
It did 40k second week and predicted to sell more next week, objectively not s flop just a long term album
You a sam hyde lover like her
I tried to get into Joeyy but the same Hyde meme s*** turned me off cause I still remember Sam Hyde hides his racism with '"comedy" and anyone who idolizes or like him in any way is tainted in my eyes
Sam stopped being discreet with it years ago. He basically is Nick Fuentes now
Why the hell are you in Sam Hyde discord servers 🤨
I believe they are teaching air bnb slum lord scams in thier nft discord now
Sam stopped being discreet with it years ago. He basically is Nick Fuentes now
Sam is a bizarre character politically. His politics are parody level of right wing talking points but when you look at his employees, he employs a ton of trans, gay, and minority people who he seems to have no real issue with and is best friends w Jewish dudes
Sam is a bizarre character politically. His politics are parody level of right wing talking points but when you look at his employees, he employs a ton of trans, gay, and minority people who he seems to have no real issue with and is best friends w Jewish dudes
What black person has he ever interacted with besides Christ Dillinger. You are out of your mind if you think anyone black is being paid and respected by Sam Hyde inside of his circle
What black person has he ever interacted with besides Christ Dillinger. You are out of your mind if you think anyone black is being paid and respected by Sam Hyde inside of his circle
I don’t actually like Sam Hyde, don’t read it as a defense of him
So after reading about this dude
Is he a legit neo nazi or an edgelord performance artist?
Bro said he preforming being a Nazi
This generation cooked