Y'all still saving stones right?
ofc bro close to 500
global gang fixing our trash uss teams soon
LR Blue Goku and Vegeta so mid
Easily the worst Dokkanfest LR lmao
Probably Phy Gogeta
Blue Bois are solid for the most part, their just a boring unit but usually around 150k defense and 5 million attack stat consistently
did a round since theyve been giving out hella stones
got teq evil buu, some teq roshi, str bardock & gine (all new) and two lr str gogeta dupes
New GT Goku and GT Vegeta coming to both versions
They canโt keep doing this Iโm trying to save for the anni
Damn, haven't really played since the anniversary
Getting kinda stale for me
Been heavy into Treasure Cruise lol
only got a lr teq gogeta dupe, f*** these banners
plus they left me under 300 stones, not summoning s*** til july
Banner doesn't look good enough to pull on imo. I already got all of those featured units
Bruh, these end stages of the SS4 Eza are lowkey hard as f***
People are adding TEQ Caulifa in just for that. I still haven't best the last stage of Super 17 EZA
Bruh, these end stages of the SS4 Eza are lowkey hard as f***
That one was rough as f***, especially since I never pulled the GT trio LR. I ended up using a mostly free to play team
Goku/Arale lead, Youth Goku/Bulma, Teq transforming Frieza, Teq LR Demon Piccolo, Teq EZA Lord Slug, Teq LR Ginyu Force, a GT Trio friend lead and a s*** load of RNG luck.
Bruh, these end stages of the SS4 Eza are lowkey hard as f***
I just used Android 13โs team it was long but pretty easy
Bruh, these end stages of the SS4 Eza are lowkey hard as f***
Trash team you gotta use to beat it