25 stone discount gave me my first whis animation & goten/trunks, then 45 stone gave me a gobros dupe
gl boys
Only thing I got from the discount was the exchange Majin Buu..right after the SSJ4 EZA left
Trunks and Goten on the discounts and two more multis after for my first SSJ4 Gogeta
Time for anniversary
SafetyNet being implemented which will kill private servers and mods and anybody playing the game on an emulator or a jailbroken device.
But it also means new characters being announced will be a surprise like how it used to be which creates more hype around the game so it isn’t that bad
SafetyNet being implemented which will kill private servers and mods and anybody playing the game on an emulator or a jailbroken device.
But it also means new characters being announced will be a surprise like how it used to be which creates more hype around the game so it isn’t that bad
Wish I did the SBRs and Punching Bag events back when I was modding now
So that update is gonna affect the dokkan wiki and the card links websites since they pull assets from the game
Wish I did the SBRs and Punching Bag events back when I was modding now
Did they already implement the new security 😩
1600 stones rn for anni don’t dodge me Goku
good luck boys! who we pulling for
3 out of 4 of the God stages done, the fourth one pretty much requires you pull Goku and Vegeta though it’s hard asf
My luck is insane
First pull: int ssj3 goku, LR SSJ4 Goku, and the new UI goku
Holy s*** I can’t believe it
Goku Black rift on my second summon holy f***
I don't have any units on this banner so im not sure if its guaranteed new unit or what
got vegeta that same multi holy s*** man
my best luck in so f***ing long (havent went hard on any banner since 5th year)
Zeno animation on my ticket summons for INT Vegeta
I did it y’all
congrats bro wow
got LR Cell off of krillin and 18 double screen crack
this vegeta banner is realllyyyy bad aside from LR Vegito