might finally be free if they ban my acct
deffo not restarting, plus my legends acct is solid
lr phy androids, lr 17 & frieza, str videl, phy kid goku & phy future gohan, all new
def my clutchest new years banner
Finally got Transforming Future Trunks and Gohan, Tapion LR, Phy Majin Vegeta, LR Turles
New pulls were LR Turles, LR TEQ Broly, and INT Broly. Also got a s*** ton of dupes for newer characters like GT Goku, Videl, etc.
Pretty good New Years banner
Is this any good?
Yeah, you missed the best time to start tho. Now is still a decent time but like 2 weeks ago wouldve been perfect
Vegeta Event is ridiculous lmfaoo
So many reruns just to complete the missions
Just no item gifted warriors/worthy rivals simultaneously
auto honestly saved the game for me
I been wanting to uninstall this jawn for months bc I either have to focus on it when im clicking buttons or I dont want to play it
auto honestly saved the game for me
I been wanting to uninstall this jawn for months bc I either have to focus on it when im clicking buttons or I dont want to play it
Auto on global?
Blue Goku and Vegeta and SSJ4 Goku and Vegeta looking like the anniversary units
Possibly they will fuse into Gogeta
Just no item gifted warriors/worthy rivals simultaneously
Team and rotations?
Team and rotations?
Super Phy piccolo/teq ssb vegeta
Super phy piccolo/int ssj xeno Vegeta
LR SSBE vegeta, teq ssj2 Vegeta and int gt vegeta
Basically just stack and don’t transform piccolo until his defense gets to ~250k
And always make sure there’s enough orbs to activate teq ssj2 Vegeta guard when he transforms
Phy ssj3 Vegeta and teq ssj3 gt Vegeta are good alternatives if you missing any units I mentioned
Super Phy piccolo/teq ssb vegeta
Super phy piccolo/int ssj xeno Vegeta
LR SSBE vegeta, teq ssj2 Vegeta and int gt vegeta
Basically just stack and don’t transform piccolo until his defense gets to ~250k
And always make sure there’s enough orbs to activate teq ssj2 Vegeta guard when he transforms
That's exactly what I used and still lost
That's exactly what I used and still lost
Even with the SA scouter?
Just stack bro!!!
Just no item gifted warriors/worthy rivals simultaneously
Am I the only one that doesn’t really like these long events. I mostly like ezas
Fam the real jumps in power for Dokkan isn’t the units…it’s the units animation
Compare year 4 s*** to THIS
Hell even something like the year 5 units aren’t close