10 rotations on the SSJ4s and got everything multiple times besides them
Finally got em
Pull the LR Gods off the rainbow tickets
Had to take a break from Dokkan, Japan still going through their celebration??
Had to take a break from Dokkan, Japan still going through their celebration??
Yea it ends Match 1st
Part 3 on the 22nd
skipping majin vegeta banner bc teq gogetas selling for red coins
otherworld warriors was my only legendary vegeta event left
still got 400+ coins, should be lr ready by 7th anny
is there a way to farm whis/that purple dragon?
(-35/40% dmg for 2 turns)
came itt to b**** about dogshit discount rounds, did another multi on each to have 12 tix, buu f***ed me again then got my first ever black rift
absolutely taking that for ~310 stones, down to 283 but should hit 700 by anny
Still can't beat Super Saiyan 3 ESBR with the new SSJ3 Goku. Don't have any of the SSJ3 heroes either
Edit: nvm
I got the AGL Vegeta but that's it as far as new units go across both discount banners. I never pull units when they are released anymore
Pull Cell 1st multi on Goku Black Rift
2 of them actually lol
Got the Goku/Gohan on like 7th multi
Im done until Tanabata
movie bosses esbr been beating my ass
Didn't pull Goku & Piccolo, but I did finally get Baby Vegeta LR
Still got 900+ stones for anni
xeno on my last discount, lr turles and burter/juice dupes along w piccolo
bit under 650 stones, inshallah my good anniversary luck holds ๐๐ฝ