rainbowed TEQ Syn earlier
Finished up a rotation and pulled another dupe of him and a PHY SSJ4s dupe
Really fun anny for me
my rainbow TEQ G&G just did a 9.8m attack stat on the LGE event within LR SSG Boys team
I see why they refused to go any higher than 177% for so long
this is honestly ridiculous lol
just no itemd LGE event with TEQ LR Goku and Vegeta, TEQ Krillin, TEQ SSJ2 LR Gohan, Gohan and Goten, the two SSGBoys and PHY Trunks and Goten
def welcome and fw these red zone levels but this gt bosses fighting legend level…
What the hell am I supposed to do with 5 boosts and no story events now man.
Link level ofc
got agl kid gohan and str nappa off raditz discounts w 350 stones left
we move
Link level ofc
I honestly don’t see how ppl recreationally link level. I try to switch up my units in the course of running events I need to, but just running story mode ad nauseam sounds like torment
got agl kid gohan and str nappa off raditz discounts w 350 stones left
we move
I pulled Raditz
Met a few ppl IRL who play the game in the past few weeks
Met a guy today whos actually and OG who just returned
S*** is dope tbh
I pulled Raditz
yikes lol sorry
700 stones and counting for WWC, we pulling Cooler, fam.
They’re doing a cooler over DBS SH? What the H
Cooler basically had the best extreme leader skill for like 2 years and that’s why he stayed around
Why a Cooler
They’re doing a cooler over DBS SH? What the H
From what I’ve heard, they can’t release anything SH related besides the basics cause Toei is holding out on the big s***. Cooler could be broken as f*** the way most other Cooler’s have been. Could see him leading Terrifying Conquerors, a new category since they normally give WWC units a new one, plus the 30% to transformation boost.
Nvm, didn't realize Ginyu was Terrifying Conquerors 😂 maybe transformation boost w/ the 30% to Wicked Bloodline
From what I’ve heard, they can’t release anything SH related besides the basics cause Toei is holding out on the big s***. Cooler could be broken as f*** the way most other Cooler’s have been. Could see him leading Terrifying Conquerors, a new category since they normally give WWC units a new one, plus the 30% to transformation boost.
Nvm, didn't realize Ginyu was Terrifying Conquerors 😂 maybe transformation boost w/ the 30% to Wicked Bloodline
Toei has gigantically f***ed the SH rollout, esp outside of Japan
I would’ve dropped the F2P units JP got this week and then rolled out the hosses for WWDC