@Jayto can you plug me up again?
Cooler's final form in the Red Zone is glitched and doesn't super attack at all, so if you're trynna beat him, do it now
Cooler's final form in the Red Zone is glitched and doesn't super attack at all, so if you're trynna beat him, do it now
Mickey !
Dokkan community is trippin over some bs lmao
Idk when being spoiled became a issue
Just get off twitter for a few days and you good if you don’t wanna be spoiled 😂
Dokkan community is trippin over some bs lmao
Idk when being spoiled became a issue
Just get off twitter for a few days and you good if you don’t wanna be spoiled 😂
Dokkan fans are the worst man. With the Dragon Ball fanbase being so huge and Dokkan being a free mobile game, you're bound to get braindead bozos lol.
I haven't played for a couple years now, but kinda keep up with stuff that's going on. Seeing ppl b**** because Truth posted an ambiguous tweet about the banners. Like dog, just wait 3 days and you'll get your info
Dokkan fans are the worst man. With the Dragon Ball fanbase being so huge and Dokkan being a free mobile game, you're bound to get braindead bozos lol.
I haven't played for a couple years now, but kinda keep up with stuff that's going on. Seeing ppl b**** because Truth posted an ambiguous tweet about the banners. Like dog, just wait 3 days and you'll get your info
It’s crazy like it’s not that serious
A data download is coming probably in the next 7 or so hours so everything gonna be all over Twitter anyways
I’ll wait until I see the banners but this celebration feels strangely Legends-like. Not a good thing.
Yeah I was right this s*** is ASS
Worst celebration ever game is moving in a terrible direction
Yeah I was right this s*** is ASS
https://twitter.com/airdokkan/status/1563667532787191809Worst celebration ever game is moving in a terrible direction
Those banners look awful
The animations don't look great either lol
Those banners look awful
The animations don't look great either lol
Cooler animations are fire
Goku’s are pretty mid but I mean it’s what’s in the movie lol
Yeah I was right this s*** is ASS
https://twitter.com/airdokkan/status/1563667532787191809Worst celebration ever game is moving in a terrible direction
Game is not moving in a terrible direction
Dokkan can afford to try new things
And you still don’t know how the banner works yet lol
Cooler animations are fire
Goku’s are pretty mid but I mean it’s what’s in the movie lol
Yeah, there's only so much they can do animation-wise, unless they wanna do something original. Def prefer STR Cooler's animations over the new one's.
Yeah, there's only so much they can do animation-wise, unless they wanna do something original. Def prefer STR Cooler's animations over the new one's.
Goku’s revive is great tho
Goku’s revive is great tho
oo didn't see that, just saw the SA animations
oo didn't see that, just saw the SA animations
Only issue I have is what the hell are they gonna do with blue coins lol
The new format is actually a good thing
Gives better higher quality units and gives more access to these yellow coin LRs (3+1 on the banner is good too)
Need to know if all the other LRs are unfeatured or not tho, then it would make the new carnival banners not so good if the featured LRs are bad
Definitely a money grab tho but it’s not terrible
I’m personally summoning for Cooler and skipping Goku until I see the part 2 units
@Jayto can you plug me up again?
Your missions are done. My bad it took so long.
300 stones i got cooler, 2 str goku/gohans (new), str piccolo, a second int namek goku dupe and my second phy ss2 goku dupe
praying for yall
did a round on teal coin banner, didnt get s***
100 stones left saving for pt 2, f*** these luxury lrs
Your missions are done. My bad it took so long.
you good man you was my lucky charm
peep this
600 stones
LR Trunks/Gohan
LR STR Broly
TEQ Final Form Cooler
LR Nappa
LR SSJ Goku from Androids
LR STR FP Frieza
Zangya (amongst other meh SSRs)
LR INT Evolution Vegeta
LR STR UI Omen Goku
LR Majin Vegeta
new LR SS Goku
new LR SS Goku (Back to back multis)
LR Int God Goku
LR Nappa