Yea this format is much better than the top legendary banners which were poop
Way better lmao
If you’re F2P you can still just skip the carnival banners and go in on the DF banners, they’re just separated to part 1 and part 2 now. And the carnival LR’s are better than the usual trash part 2 LR’s they’re replacing.
The new coins are terrible tho
Way better lmao
If you’re F2P you can still just skip the carnival banners and go in on the DF banners, they’re just separated to part 1 and part 2 now. And the carnival LR’s are better than the usual trash part 2 LR’s they’re replacing.
The new coins are terrible tho
New coins are literally pointless
Spent more than I wanted w no Goku pulled cooler though, do I save for part 2 or try for Goku
Got Goku first pull. 3 rotations of Cooler banner and only LR I got was Anniversary Vegeta. Sitting at 321 stones idk if I should keep pulling either
Spent more than I wanted w no Goku pulled cooler though, do I save for part 2 or try for Goku
Save for part 2
SSJ Goku and Vegeta will be the best unit in the game I’m sure of it lol
Got Goku first pull. 3 rotations of Cooler banner and only LR I got was Anniversary Vegeta. Sitting at 321 stones idk if I should keep pulling either
I mean a lot more stones will be giving out during this celebration
Got the LR cooler and piccolo off a yolo summon
Got about 700 stones saved for pt.2
But I want to stay above 500 for LR T+V
Did one more rotation on Cooler’s banner, rainbowed Piccolo
But when Orange Piccolo drops
Did one more rotation on Cooler’s banner, rainbowed Piccolo
But when Orange Piccolo drops
Him being the 200% Namekians lead is everything I need
453 stones, grinded what i could
after spending those ill have 1k red coins, whos better between str kid buu and agl cell
453 stones, grinded what i could
after spending those ill have 1k red coins, whos better between str kid buu and agl cell
Agl Cell is a monster
Been link leveling all month for one last link on the LR PHY SSJ4s. I've maxed all of the other SSJ4s and INT SSJ4 Gogeta in that time
Been link leveling all month for one last link on the LR PHY SSJ4s. I've maxed all of the other SSJ4s and INT SSJ4 Gogeta in that time
Just buy the keys
Buy? As in buying something that isn't discounted stones?
The keys are like $12 and you get 30 stones lol
3 rotations
1x goku/vegeta
1x agl namek frieza (dupe)
1x kid buu
2x agl ui goki (dupes)
1x int gotenks
2x teq transforming buu
900 stones and all I got were
1x Agl Namek FrieA (dupe, now rainbowed)
1x of that new Krillin and Gohan
SSR dupes unrelated the f***ing movie
2x LR Janembas (didn't have at all so ty Akatsuki)
4 other LRs that weren't Metal Cooler (all dupes)
More SSR dupes
We going ski mask shopping tonight