  • Jun 4, 2023
    1 reply
    Mountain Dude

    The sentiment of "anti-corporation" makes sense, but the way people execute this idea is atrocious. If someone really cares about a local economy and a strong community: then go shop at local businesses. Don't go stealing from places you "hate", you're just making yourself look like an idiot and ruining it for others!

    Also while were at it: "anti-capitalism" people are the biggest hypocrites on this planet. Tweeting all this weird socialist nonsense from their iPhone 14 Pro and sipping Starbucks is ridiculous.

    Capitalism literally creates this type of reality plus why do you think people shop or steal at DOLLAR GENERAL & and not a local higher priced store in the first place you really didn’t think that through

  • Jun 4, 2023
    · edited

    😂 Ngl i commend her for this. It’s about the principle 💁🏻‍♂️. Even though it’s never worth it

    it’s principle step your IQ up it’s currently e-class

  • Jun 4, 2023
    Bow And Arrow


    You can't say that's not hypocrisy.

  • Jun 4, 2023


    Did you read the post though? It's not praising corporations or shilling for consoomerism.

  • Jun 4, 2023
    1 reply
    slime wrld

    Capitalism literally creates this type of reality plus why do you think people shop or steal at DOLLAR GENERAL & and not a local higher priced store in the first place you really didn’t think that through

    Have you never lived in a small town? You're not going to get charged any more money for buying a pack of deodorant opposed to Dollar General.

  • Jun 4, 2023
    1 reply

    i pray that in your next endeavor you snatch defeat from the jaws of victory

    Idk why some people say s*** like this, like we disagree on something, so what, if you’re not gonna argue a point why are you just saying mean s***

  • Shady Ant

    Idk why some people say s*** like this, like we disagree on something, so what, if you’re not gonna argue a point why are you just saying mean s***

    niggas can't just scroll by or some s*** lmao

  • Jun 4, 2023
    1 reply
    Mountain Dude

    Have you never lived in a small town? You're not going to get charged any more money for buying a pack of deodorant opposed to Dollar General.

    Have YOU ever lived in a small town? how many “local” grocery stores do you think exist when places like dollar general/family dollar or walmart show up? you can research recent controversies in small towns about this

  • tripsix 🐍
    Jun 4, 2023

  • Jun 4, 2023

    Lmfaoooooo funny

  • sonyatv 😽
    Jun 4, 2023
    Mountain Dude

    The sentiment of "anti-corporation" makes sense, but the way people execute this idea is atrocious. If someone really cares about a local economy and a strong community: then go shop at local businesses. Don't go stealing from places you "hate", you're just making yourself look like an idiot and ruining it for others!

    Also while were at it: "anti-capitalism" people are the biggest hypocrites on this planet. Tweeting all this weird socialist nonsense from their iPhone 14 Pro and sipping Starbucks is ridiculous.

    he said it he said the line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • eclass ⛓️
    Jun 4, 2023

    This a store not a school

    oh s*** myb im human

  • eclass ⛓️
    Jun 4, 2023

    The principal suggests capital punishment for stealing?

    huh? Why is it okay to steal? S*** is unfair for people that actually work for a living. (maybe that doesn't apply to you because you might be unemployed/freeloader)

  • Jun 4, 2023
    1 reply
    slime wrld

    Have YOU ever lived in a small town? how many “local” grocery stores do you think exist when places like dollar general/family dollar or walmart show up? you can research recent controversies in small towns about this

    Literally do live in a small town though. Local pharmacies and grocery stores DO exist.

  • eclass ⛓️
    Jun 4, 2023
    1 reply

    you're a fool

    I get where you're getting at, but stop being so self righteous all the time. don't you get tired of that s*** ? lol

  • Jun 4, 2023
    1 reply

    Jesus would have done the same thing but after he would forgive the shoplifter

  • Lystra

    Jesus would have done the same thing but after he would forgive the shoplifter

  • Jun 4, 2023
    3 replies

    If you're shoplifting from Wal-Mart. Fine, go ahead.

    If you're shoplifting from Jennings Corner Store, a family that relies on the money to keep it open, then f*** you.

    That simple.

  • Jun 4, 2023
    Mountain Dude

    If you're shoplifting from Wal-Mart. Fine, go ahead.

    If you're shoplifting from Jennings Corner Store, a family that relies on the money to keep it open, then f*** you.

    That simple.

    Find god

  • Jun 4, 2023

    As someone who worked there for 5 months.

    I get it.

  • Jun 4, 2023

    She went full Batman over like $15 of stolen goods

    Y'all really think she did that for the corporation? Lmao nah this was cathartic

  • Mountain Dude

    If you're shoplifting from Wal-Mart. Fine, go ahead.

    If you're shoplifting from Jennings Corner Store, a family that relies on the money to keep it open, then f*** you.

    That simple.


  • Jun 4, 2023

    Hilarious but I could never imagine caring that much. If I worked retail I wouldn’t give a single s*** if people stole

  • Jun 4, 2023

    But then your uncle dies?

    wow thanks for the spoiler dude im not finished the movie yet


    The principal suggests capital punishment for stealing?

    Cutting a hand off is capital punishment for stealing. This dollar general employer crossed the line, could have god forbid even injured the man's testicles.
