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  • OP
    Sep 18, 2022

    !dream a beautiful scene of Freedom as an illusion by max Ernst , trending on artstation, very very surreal, 8k, very high detail --seed 2987298938 --up -steps 10 -var -n 4 -ng

  • OP
    Sep 18, 2022

    !dream a beautiful scene of Freedom as an illusion by max Ernst , by walland kandinsky, trending on artstation, very very surreal, 8k, very high detail --seed 2987298938 --up -steps 100 -var -n 4 -ng

  • OP
    Sep 18, 2022

    !dream a beautiful scene of Freedom as an illusion by max Ernst and walland kandinsky, trending on artstation, very very surreal, 8k, very high detail --seed 2987298938 --up -var -n 4 -ng

  • OP
    Sep 18, 2022

    !dream a beautiful scene of Freedom as an illusion by max Ernst, trending on artstation, very very surreal, 8k, very high detail, bamboo, koi fish, dolphin, beta fish, feathers --seed 2987298938 --up -var -n 4 -ng

  • OP
    Sep 18, 2022

    !dream a beautiful scene of Freedom as an illusion by max Ernst, trending on artstation, very very surreal, 8k, very high detail, bamboo, koi fish, dolphin, beta fish, feathers --up -n 4 -ng

  • OP
    Sep 18, 2022

    !dream a beautiful scene of Freedom as an illusion by max Ernst, trending on artstation, very very surreal, 8k, very high detail, bamboo, koi fish, dolphin, beta fish, feathers, octopus, majestic --up -n 4 -ng

  • OP
    Sep 18, 2022

    !dream a beautiful scene of Freedom as an illusion by max Ernst, trending on artstation, very very surreal, 8k, very high detail, bamboo, koi fish, dolphin, beta fish, feathers, majestic creature --up -n 4 -ng

  • OP
    Sep 18, 2022

    !dream a beautiful scene of Freedom as an illusion by max Ernst, trending on artstation, very very surreal, 8k, very high detail, bamboo, koi fish, dolphin, beta fish, feathers, cinematic, majestic, shot on 70mm --up -n 4 -ng

  • Sep 18, 2022

    !dream dolphin big dolphin cool dolphin picture or dolphin cool

  • OP
    Sep 21, 2022

    Is perfect order a singularity known as "nothing"?

  • OP
    Sep 22, 2022

    everything will return to the source

  • OP
    Sep 22, 2022

    We are the universe.

  • OP
    Sep 22, 2022

    All things that deviate from nothing approach moral deviancy at ambiguous boundaries

  • OP
    Oct 30, 2022

    Subwoofer on my shoulder like an at-4

  • OP
    Dec 3, 2022

    What would make existence insincere?
    The conclusions of this inquiry will not be sanguine...

  • OP
    Dec 3, 2022

    From what framework do you constitute the world?

  • Dec 3, 2022

    !dream 40 dolphins, ultra realistic, 8k

  • OP
    Dec 19, 2022

    I guess what I'm thinking is that the more you consume of a certain form of media the more normalized it becomes to you.

    Almost like a threshold to which you need to overcome in order to experience again.

    So the complexity of the art form would then evolve with the complexity of the species which is also the technological innovations of the species.

    Which lead to forms of media that enable more sensory input to be given to the consumer.

    I think there may be a balance tho, or at least there is some theoretical balance at which it becomes "uncanny".

    Does art have any definition other than a representation of the world? Does art become full circle when it becomes so immersive that it becomes the world.

    Does art necessste a deviation from standard sensory perception. If so then art will always be outside of what is "real".



  • OP
    Dec 19, 2022

    With the evolution of technology, we add more perceptual information to make it more "emersive".

    Which, I believe shifts our relationship and almost obfuscates what the "natural world" is.
    I believe that to be dangerous because then people really do have the ability to exist within forms of representation in new ways.

    Non perceptual art already does this and may do it to much higher degrees as non perceptual information is theoretical and therefore on all fronts representation. Religion for instance.

    Which a lot of early art was for religious purposes.

    Art in general to some degree is acts of the human consciousness trying to understand itself and it's relationship with the natural world and others or it can be ways for us to experience higher or different feelings than can be accessed through the natural world. In many ways the art is not just the object but the relationship with the object, and the act in itself.


    In a way consciousness in itself is art, non discreet ephemeral art. A world away from the world.

    Not sure


  • OP
    Dec 30, 2022

    So language is a set of mental frameworks, which to a large degree dictates the methods we are able to think about the world. A lexicon enables us to form our conscious mind. There are languages that are more expressive more "romantic". This changes the way the individual experiences the world as thoughts, when attempting to discrete and discern them take the shape of "language". It simultaneous what we use to think, communicate, and thereby exist. Therefore if an individual's lexicon is stagnant, the individual will be stagnated. Create languages, experience without words, what exist is a framework to operate within, create your own syntax to free free yourself from the bounds of it. Create new meaning, new forms of existing. Life and language as an art form.

  • OP
    Dec 30, 2022

    "The compounding effects of preexisting dispositions of the mind"

    The compounding effects of preexisting dispositions of the mind refer to the ways in which an individual's prior experiences, beliefs, and attitudes can influence their understanding and interpretation of new information or experiences. These preexisting dispositions, also known as cognitive biases, can shape the way that an individual processes and remembers information, and can have a significant impact on their decision-making and behavior.

    For example, if someone has a preexisting disposition to be skeptical of new ideas or to favor certain sources of information over others, this may influence the way that they evaluate and interpret new information. Similarly, if someone has a preexisting disposition to be more or less open to new experiences, this may affect the way that they respond to new situations or challenges.

    The compounding effects of preexisting dispositions can be seen in the way that people's prior experiences and beliefs influence their perceptions and actions in the present. These dispositions can shape the way that individuals interpret and respond to new information and experiences, and can have a cumulative effect on their understanding and behavior over time.

  • OP
    Dec 31, 2022

    In the current state of the west they define what is good in a way that seems ubiquitous and then sell it to you in a way that is temporal.

  • 8J6 🤴🏼
    Dec 31, 2022
    1 reply

    As a result of knowing you, over time I forgot that a dolphin is called a dolphin. In my mind it was replaced with 🐬, and the word “dolphin” set aside like an old iPhone.

  • OP
    Jan 7, 2023

    As a result of knowing you, over time I forgot that a dolphin is called a dolphin. In my mind it was replaced with 🐬, and the word “dolphin” set aside like an old iPhone.

    Words n s***