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  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply
    Scratchin Mamba

    None of these r*ght-wing crackers ever read a thing about communist theory or history besides PragerU videos, let alone talk to somebody who actually experienced communism, it's not worth it.

    Reveals a lot when your arguments are mostly insults.

    The scary thing is that people feel so threatened by someone thinking differently and react with such viciousness.

    The general behavior here is specifically what turned people off Democrats, myself included.

  • Oct 29, 2019
    Scratchin Mamba

    I respect that

    im not even reading this post.

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    Damn is there a point yall can agree on?

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    Damn is there a point yall can agree on?


  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply


    Can u expand on this thought?

    U can take as many posts as u want bro

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    Reveals a lot when your arguments are mostly insults.

    The scary thing is that people feel so threatened by someone thinking differently and react with such viciousness.

    The general behavior here is specifically what turned people off Democrats, myself included.

    I can have discussions with libs and socdems who are acting in good faith, dookiebrain khaks like realdonaldtrump and justin bieber are beyond lost.

    And if some random social media and forum niggas like me saying mean things made you change your political ideology, then you probably never really had a coherent view of politics in the first place.

  • Oct 29, 2019

    Can u expand on this thought?

    U can take as many posts as u want bro

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply
    Scratchin Mamba

    @cozy my vro you back

    Never left lmao

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    Never left lmao

    Wait whet
    What was your ktt1 username lmfaoooooo

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply
    Scratchin Mamba

    Wait whet
    What was your ktt1 username lmfaoooooo


    Just stuck in the kompound

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply


    Just stuck in the kompound

    u gotta peep msct bro

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply
    Scratchin Mamba

    I can have discussions with libs and socdems who are acting in good faith, dookiebrain khaks like realdonaldtrump and justin bieber are beyond lost.

    And if some random social media and forum niggas like me saying mean things made you change your political ideology, then you probably never really had a coherent view of politics in the first place.

    No, that mentality only made me question my long-held political beliefs and look more closely at concepts vis a vis application.

    You’re talking to someone who has lived in quite a few countries, including Venezuela. I saw the rise of Hugo Chavez and the destruction that followed. Ditto with Argentina, where generations have lived without working a day in their lives, kept barely alive by the government that they vote for (and just re-took the presidency).

    In the end: Kanye thinks different, believes in economic independence and empowerment, a shift from the culture of prioritizing materialism to a culture that values education and self-sustenance. Let him. Not the worst ideology. Regardless of ideology:


  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply
    Scratchin Mamba

    u gotta peep msct bro


  • Oct 29, 2019


  • Oct 29, 2019

    You just said f*** the homeless

    Bruh as in I don’t care about them if they don’t care about themselves. You taking me saying the word “fuck” too literal.

  • Oct 29, 2019
    3 replies

    No, that mentality only made me question my long-held political beliefs and look more closely at concepts vis a vis application.

    You’re talking to someone who has lived in quite a few countries, including Venezuela. I saw the rise of Hugo Chavez and the destruction that followed. Ditto with Argentina, where generations have lived without working a day in their lives, kept barely alive by the government that they vote for (and just re-took the presidency).

    In the end: Kanye thinks different, believes in economic independence and empowerment, a shift from the culture of prioritizing materialism to a culture that values education and self-sustenance. Let him. Not the worst ideology. Regardless of ideology:



    Poverty was halved and extreme poverty dropped 70 percent during his presidency, literacy rates shot up, he made his country one of the least unequal in the region. Whether you like it or not, there were plenty of material gains made for the Venezuelan people under his leadership.

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    Trump and his people are racist pieces of s***.

    Sorry I’m Mexican so I have empathy and love for all people.

    Might be hard for you to understand

    Every trump supporter I know ( and I’m not even one of them) personally is not even close to racist.

    Your generalizations make you very hard to listen to.

  • Oct 29, 2019


  • Oct 29, 2019

    This is a similar argument that a lot of conservatives use to justify rape. Well, she had it coming to her because of what she was wearing. Yeah...maybe if she was wearing sweatpants and a hoodie she wouldn't have gotten raped. But who's the real immoral one in this situation? Who's really at fault?

    The solution is widespread macro legislative change that takes power and wealth away from the elite, puts more funding into education primarily in the inner city, and improves our s***ty health care system that currently makes the right to living a commodity that not everyone can afford.

    LMFAOOOOOOOO. Imagine even putting the thought in your mind that saying if a homeless person won’t get a job then I don’t care to help them out is the same as saying if a girl doesn’t cover her body she deserved to get raped.

    Where is your head at that it went there?

    Regardless, your solution is to let them sit around while we cater the world to them? I understand you put it in super empathetic language, doesn’t change the fact that that’s essentially what you just said.

    So homeless people are supposed to just sit around and wait for us to do their work for them? I’m seriously asking if this is how you feel. Not even judging that way of thinking I’m legitimately curious if you think that’s a good solution.

  • Oct 29, 2019
    2 replies
    Scratchin Mamba


    Poverty was halved and extreme poverty dropped 70 percent during his presidency, literacy rates shot up, he made his country one of the least unequal in the region. Whether you like it or not, there were plenty of material gains made for the Venezuelan people under his leadership.


    This ignorance, where did you read these lies?

    DO YOU KNOW HOW SKINNY MY FAMILY GOT? And it’s not even that they didn’t have the money to eat, it was the scarcity.

    DO YOU KNOW WE CAN NO LONGER GROW COFFEE ON OUR FARM? Government won’t allow us to sell it, unless directly to them, at a loss.

    Poverty was halved? Inequality decreased. People who used to not be poor, are now poor too. I don’t even return there anymore, it makes me sick to see the decline, in culture, in the cities, in the universities, in the people, how skinny everyone is. EVERYONE IS POORER, minus the government officials.

    Your ignorance is so incredible.

  • Oct 29, 2019

    Every trump supporter I know ( and I’m not even one of them) personally is not even close to racist.

    Your generalizations make you very hard to listen to.

    A lot of black people I know f*** with Trump to an extent. Now, I live in the Burbs so there’s very few of us, but it doesn’t seem to be the automatic “I’m black so Trump must hate me” mentality.

  • Oct 29, 2019
    Scratchin Mamba


    Poverty was halved and extreme poverty dropped 70 percent during his presidency, literacy rates shot up, he made his country one of the least unequal in the region. Whether you like it or not, there were plenty of material gains made for the Venezuelan people under his leadership.

    Of course you support Chavez you literal psycho

  • Oct 29, 2019


    This ignorance, where did you read these lies?

    DO YOU KNOW HOW SKINNY MY FAMILY GOT? And it’s not even that they didn’t have the money to eat, it was the scarcity.

    DO YOU KNOW WE CAN NO LONGER GROW COFFEE ON OUR FARM? Government won’t allow us to sell it, unless directly to them, at a loss.

    Poverty was halved? Inequality decreased. People who used to not be poor, are now poor too. I don’t even return there anymore, it makes me sick to see the decline, in culture, in the cities, in the universities, in the people, how skinny everyone is. EVERYONE IS POORER, minus the government officials.

    Your ignorance is so incredible.

    chill bro bernie said its true so it true

  • Oct 29, 2019

    Niggas who think American capitalism is bad haven’t been to Colombia lmao. You wanna see the worst sides of both left and right policy? Go to Venezuela then after make a trip right next door to Colombia. Maybe then you’ll get perspective and understand how f***ing lucky you are to live in a first world country in the first place.

  • Oct 29, 2019
    5 replies

    delete the thread

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