this is thread worthy since ktt2 will self destruct if the numbers of both projects are in the same vicinity
ion see anything being an insta hit like gods plan, nice for what or in my feelings after 3 listens
What are your predictions ? Cause as it stands I see it doing 100-150k more than DLDT numbers, solely cause it has more rap features
Kanye does 330k with 4.5 days of tracking
drake projected to do 575-525k
are there even really any hits on clb
it will get more listesns anyways
ion know bruther
if clb does 500k and donda does 400k with 2.5 less days of streaming, donda wins
ion see how this project will do double the numbers that DLDT did tbh
CLB will have bigger FW but I think over time Donda will end up selling more, there's no songs on CLB that actually stand out from Drake's discog
are there even really any hits on clb
it will get more listesns anyways
Way 2 Sexy is gonna be massive
CLB will have bigger FW but I think over time Donda will end up selling more, there's no songs on CLB that actually stand out from Drake's discog
You think so? I think CLB will definitely have more streaming replay value than Donda for the masses (I say this as a Ye stan)
You think so? I think CLB will definitely have more streaming replay value than Donda for the masses (I say this as a Ye stan)
yeah it's clear the first half of donda is easier for general audiences to play, but gospel music can reach only so far for everyone.
Was expecting 650-700K before the drop but yeah doesn't seem like there's a big hit on it so it will prob do 500-550K
400k first week, almost no hype, weak reception, no hits on the album, dont see anyone streaming this more than a couple times
ion know bruther
if clb does 500k and donda does 400k with 2.5 less days of streaming, donda wins
ion see how this project will do double the numbers that DLDT did tbh
Drake outselling with less songs
of course
and donda only had 4.5 days of tracking anyways
of course
and donda only had 4.5 days of tracking anyways
That's true, yeah. That pretty much balances it out - but an important consideration there is that the last 2 days of tracking would be much lower weighted than the first 2. It'd be interesting to compare the first 7 days' streams of each album
That's true, yeah. That pretty much balances it out - but an important consideration there is that the last 2 days of tracking would be much lower weighted than the first 2. It'd be interesting to compare the first 7 days' streams of each album
For sure
CLB will sell more, that’s just factual