portfolio with no diversity
diversification is used to preserve capital not the best way to up it
diversification is used to preserve capital not the best way to up it
my boy should practice on preserving his capital first
but that’s my opinion tho
my boy should practice on preserving his capital first
but that’s my opinion tho
Yeah IDK how you even spend any money during a plandemic with everything closed lol
Like literally just don't buy s*** lmao
Yeah IDK how you even spend any money during a plandemic with everything closed lol
Like literally just don't buy s*** lmao
Jeff Bezos as we speak
im so bad with saving money can you guys give me any tips on how to save money
Get a separate bank account just for saving that you can’t easily access and then squirrel away money every paycheck
@op hasn’t responded to anything in this thread. Probably out spending money as we speak
i aM Too
i Ju$T BouGHT a BoTTLe oF MoD $eLeCTioN RoSE WHeN i $HouLD Be $aViNG uP FoR a NeW CoMPuTeR BuT i CaN MaKe THe MoNeY BaCK aGaiN ToDaY So iT DoNT MaTTeR
Saved 5.5k so far
Buy and sell shoes, sell your wardrobe, budget, live off your budget.
Cut unncessary bills and credit
What are your expenses
do u pay attention to what your spending money on
no I really don't keep track of it but this sounds like a good idea so im gonna do it
Why do you buy ? Ask your self that, what do you need or want ?
I do the same thing but I realize that, for example I have my favorite pair of shoes rn so why would I buy another ?
I have my favorite food at home so why go out and buy some ?
Find what makes you so content that you don’t want other things
i used to do this but as i got older i just sort of gave into the habit of buying s*** i don't need
Also what helped me was the personal capital app. Helps you keep track of all your accounts and expenses vs income. Lays it out for you in easy to read graphs. Once you get a look at how much money you are spending each month/year you start to make changes real quick
i have bank of America do they have something like that or is this an entirely separate app
what the f*** are you buying?
you don't need it
start with the essentials and remember homies live on rice and beans
how did you know I was dominican
Yeah IDK how you even spend any money during a plandemic with everything closed lol
Like literally just don't buy s*** lmao
bro im trying
grocerys - stop eating out
slow put aside money into a savings account
if your bank offers “keep the change”, use it
It's seriously insane how much you save cooking versus eating out. Like once I got the concept of a $25 meal eating out vs. $25 for a cooked meal (divided by 7 days)...it was no goin back
i have bank of America do they have something like that or is this an entirely separate app
Separate app. BoA might have some similar features but you can link you BoA account plus any other accounts to the Personal Capital app
@op hasn’t responded to anything in this thread. Probably out spending money as we speak
lmao bro i was sleeping
I have the same problem I live with my parents and it’s so hard to save I waste my paycheck every week and I can’t save for s*** I need to figure it out I need to move out
I have the same problem I live with my parents and it’s so hard to save I waste my paycheck every week and I can’t save for s*** I need to figure it out I need to move out
No no no!! don’t move out. Learn to handle money first then leave