Gaming Sxn Thread about one of the most influential video game of all time
Main Games:
Ultimate DOOM
More retail games:
Final DOOM (TNT Evilution & Plutonia megawads)
DOOM 2016
DOOM Eternal
This new bundle can be downloaded for free if you already own Doom I or Doom II for the same platform
Doom 2016 was fun af haven't played any of the others
I only started playing the original doom games since last year and man it's been a blast. You click play and boom you're having fun. It's fast paced but the game still makes you think. Furthermore, the game even gets better after the first playthrough since you already know all the map layouts and you can try beating everything faster
Just played Sigil for the first time and it lowkey sucked lmao
Hell Knights should have already existed in Doom 1 man. Barons Of Hell are too tanky, it's annoying
The guy who couldn’t get past cup heads tutorial said Doom Eternal is too hard
Is it the same guy that said Sekiro doesnt respect its players and needs an easy mode?
was Doom 64 the best of the "classic" Doom games?
well, who can say.
but the answer is yes.
Is it the same guy that said Sekiro doesnt respect its players and needs an easy mode?
New Add-On/wad "Double Impact" now available for free on current console ports of Doom and Doom II
It's a 'Knee Deep In The Dead' (Episode 1) type level set and features 9 new levels.
It is the first non-commercial user made 'add-on' for the console ports
Out in 3 days
Gonna be great playing Doom 64 for the first time
I'm currently torturing myself through Plutonia
90 on metacritic
Not surprised
my amazon pre order still hasnt shipped. I'm about to cancel it and download it from some other site.