  • Jun 27, 2020
    1 reply

    Why u have to edit stuff out man I already typed all that

  • Jun 27, 2020
    1 reply

    Name sounds vaguely familiar

    What he best known for?

  • Jun 27, 2020

    People are saying they know the reason but won't disclose because of it's "sensitivity"

  • Jun 27, 2020

    The big streamers should just make their own platform

  • Jun 27, 2020
    First Take

    Why u have to edit stuff out man I already typed all that

    Lol because I'm hungover and just saying s***

  • Jun 27, 2020
    1 reply

    his last stream is eerie as f***

  • Jun 27, 2020

    his last stream is eerie as f***

    Ending of his stream was really weird, when he was playing that roblox video and wasn't talking for minutes only to say "David Icke... I bought his book too" bringing up the Icke thing again when he stopped talking about it

    Some s*** went down and I'm really curious

  • Jun 27, 2020
    1 reply

    This was the DangerCop thing

    So its not that

  • Jun 27, 2020

    I'm leaning towards it being something financial. Any serious crime and it would've leaked by now.

    Probably tax fraud or some s***!

  • Jun 27, 2020

    I dont think its conspiracy s*** anymore, finally saw the full ending of the stream.

  • Jun 27, 2020
    2 replies

    Financial? I'm thinking more along the lines of sexual assault.

  • Jun 27, 2020

    Financial? I'm thinking more along the lines of sexual assault.


  • Jun 27, 2020

    The silence is deafening. I do believe it is serious

  • Jun 27, 2020
    Bo Ceephus

    Argument is wack. Sports are people actually doing things real men cant.

    It's like how Ninja was talking s*** about NFL players who have real talent when he clicks buttons and edits videos for a living. I'm sure you'll defend it like it's the same thing. But it's not. It takes winning the genetic lottery, working harder than 99% of the population and an insane amount of luck to become a world class athlete.

    Any shut in 16 year old with an eating disorder can become a semi popular gamer

    Look at the barriers to entry alone and it's not an argument

    Becoming a popular streamer takes just as much luck and dedication.

    No one cares about someone being semi popular just like no one cares about niggas traveling to play semi pro football.

    It’s entertainment at the end of the day that’s like calling someone lazy for watching a movie when they can go act out some scenes themself

  • Jun 27, 2020
    1 reply

    Financial? I'm thinking more along the lines of sexual assault.

    I dont think his wife would have made that recent insta post if it had to deal with sexual assault.

  • Hi-C 🦌
    Jun 27, 2020

    Name sounds vaguely familiar

    What he best known for?

    Cheating on his wife

    Nah he’s just a dude who plays a persona on stream and dresses up and does bits and s***. Can’t say it’s my cup of tea but he’s pretty popular on the platform

  • Jun 27, 2020

    I dont think his wife would have made that recent insta post if it had to deal with sexual assault.

    her post and him losing his discord partnership has me even more curious as to what's going on. though what linus had to say on it sounds kinda reasonable, but idk

  • Jun 27, 2020

    Even when Ice got banned, his subs never got refunded.

  • Jun 27, 2020
    1 reply

    I hope we never find out cause this theorizing stuff is funny lol

  • Jun 27, 2020

    Tax fraud doesnt seem like it would call for all this to happen.

    The way Slasher goes about this worries me

  • Jun 27, 2020

    lmfaooo, some of the theories be plausible as hell

    someone said he got caught banking some of the charity event money for himself

  • Jun 27, 2020

    The only reason is if the charity donations he's been doing for the injustice isn't really going to charity but there's no way

  • Jun 27, 2020
    1 reply

    I just do not understand how nothing has leaked

    Maybe he was about to switch platforms so twitch just pulled it on him first?

    Idk, I feel like if it had to deal with assault something more would have come out by now
