Now that we know it follows after Inquistion, if i dont get to be a politician again imma riot
Seeing the dialogue in this new demo really illustrates how far ahead of every other RPG Cyberpunk really is.
People say that on max settings Cyberpunk graphically looks like a next-Gen title, but the fluidity of its conversation sequences legit feels 2 gens out from every other RPG ever made.
Seeing the dialogue in this new demo really illustrates how far ahead of every other RPG Cyberpunk really is.
People say that on max settings Cyberpunk graphically looks like a next-Gen title, but the fluidity of its conversation sequences legit feels 2 gens out from every other RPG ever made.
Forreal. It all feels so stilted and sterile. That jumped out to me during all the Outlaws clips as well.
I hope this game is a success so Mass Effect 4 isnt cancelled
I hope this is amazing so mass effect 4 has a chance to not be a complete s***show
Idk man I want this to be good, but nothing I’ve seen really makes me want this one day 1. I really don’t like the art direction. I will end up playing this at some point. I put 300+ hours into Inquisition, so not really a question. This’ll be a wait for reviews, and a sale more thank likely for me though.
day one cop for me, waited 10 years to get revenge on this mf
Waited 10 years to reunite with big bro And Harding
this is it to hear DA2 influence I enjoy that a lot. Combat wise that was the most fun I've had in DA. My gripes was the game was rushed and they reuse dungeon instances so much lol. A 'finished' DA2 is def something I look forward to
I'm liking what I've seen from others gameplays besides the IGN one. Hilarious how IGN is the most incompetent out of every reviewers out there
DAI is such a good f***ing game
I love it more now than when i was 15 for sure
Just finished replaying it, such a classic
The cast of characters really steal the show
this game being left out of GOTY 2024 talks is wild lmao it hasn't even dropped yet and people are mad at the product's theme having the colour purple? and a few new girls characters? or idk i dont get it...?
this game being left out of GOTY 2024 talks is wild lmao it hasn't even dropped yet and people are mad at the product's theme having the colour purple? and a few new girls characters? or idk i dont get it...?
Until people actually play it all of those discussions don't mean much but the game does look like ass tbh
Until people actually play it all of those discussions don't mean much but the game does look like ass tbh
objectively, nothing about the game looks like ass little bro
if u think the art style is ass then u never played the last two DA games??
objectively, nothing about the game looks like ass little bro
if u think the art style is ass then u never played the last two DA games??
Sure man lol
Sure man lol
wait what? are those characters the same person? i assumed the left was a take on the Qunari being way younger
wait what? are those characters the same person? i assumed the left was a take on the Qunari being way younger
Whatever it is it looks terrible, as does most of the art direction in the game. It looks like plastic.
Whatever it is it looks terrible, as does most of the art direction in the game. It looks like plastic.
i mean, it's called art style for a reason and it's a modern, clean approach for sure and u don't like it which is fine
but saying it looks like plastic is dumb lol there's so many sharp textures and particles and other details to keep it from looking like 90s Pixar movie
the sharp details here are so nice and so far from a smooth "plastic" look such as Fortnite or Overwatch
i mean, it's called art style for a reason and it's a modern, clean approach for sure and u don't like it which is fine
but saying it looks like plastic is dumb lol there's so many sharp textures and particles and other details to keep it from looking like 90s Pixar movie
the sharp details here are so nice and so far from a smooth "plastic" look such as Fortnite or Overwatch
Honestly, I think a lot of it has to do with the UI, find it very unappealing.
It just feels very incongruent with the game.
It makes me think of like Hogwarts Legacy or something, something meant to appeal to the 10-14 demographic, not f***ing Dragon Age.