Do any reviews mention performance on console
They say game is pretty much locked 60fps except for some points where the game loads a new area
Saw the title and my heart dropped
F*** that nigga we up
F*** that nigga we up
I’ll judge for myself but I usually trust his opinion
I’ll judge for myself but I usually trust his opinion
Naw I’m just joking , i can see why some reviews hold more weight for others . Apparently he’s not super fond of the dragon age series in general . I don’t know if that’s true outside of comments but if you are i would take that into consideration
I’ll judge for myself but I usually trust his opinion
It’s really weird because the other guy at skillup really liked the preview, I wonder why he didn’t review it
Naw I’m just joking , i can see why some reviews hold more weight for others . Apparently he’s not super fond of the dragon age series in general . I don’t know if that’s true outside of comments but if you are i would take that into consideration
His criticisms are sounding like the old BioWare. Shallow combat, boring puzzles and stilted dialogue/facial animations. I’ll watch a few more reviews, but those type of issues made me drop anthem and andromeda less than 10 hours in so we’ll see.
I’ll judge for myself but I usually trust his opinion
I used to until he glazed cyberpunk on release
I used to until he glazed cyberpunk on release
The pc version was a good game albeit buggy at release
Console versions were horrible though I can’t defend that
His criticisms are sounding like the old BioWare. Shallow combat, boring puzzles and stilted dialogue/facial animations. I’ll watch a few more reviews, but those type of issues made me drop anthem and andromeda less than 10 hours in so we’ll see.
It’s strange because most reviews are saying the opposite, I wonder what’s so polarizing about this game gotta try it for myself regardless, but at least 84 on meta will be good for the studio
It’s strange because most reviews are saying the opposite, I wonder what’s so polarizing about this game gotta try it for myself regardless, but at least 84 on meta will be good for the studio
Yeah I’m not taking his review as 100% fact, I’m still really excited to play
Just more cautious now and won’t be scared to drop it if I see the old BioWare coming out
!! plays getting exposed on Reddit and twitter rn for leaking parts of the game cause his create a character matches the leaks and he spread the leaks under a right wing twitter profile hating on the game oh my lord
usually i agree with these two when it comes to reviews more than most reviewers
Oh no your mans is getting destroyed
Matty plays getting exposed on Reddit and twitter rn for leaking parts of the game cause his create a character matches the leaks and he spread the leaks under a right wing twitter profile hating on the game oh my lord
was about to post this. Holy s***. Getting outed by your own custom character.
Matty plays getting exposed on Reddit and twitter rn for leaking parts of the game cause his create a character matches the leaks and he spread the leaks under a right wing twitter profile hating on the game oh my lord
Well that sucks i like this Dudę but this is corny af
Fextralife joining the right wing grift chain and sourcing Grummz & vara dark tweets on why they aren’t reviewing the game
Matty plays getting exposed on Reddit and twitter rn for leaking parts of the game cause his create a character matches the leaks and he spread the leaks under a right wing twitter profile hating on the game oh my lord
I swear I’ve seen this happen before