ngl the gameplay reveal is terrible, combat looks boring af, companions are barely useful or different, their dialogue adds nothing not even a one-liner. Game needs a whole lot of work if it's gon live up to the previous releases.
What alot of RPG's like this always gets wrong us they throw a s*** ton of enemies at you in the first stages when you literally have two things you can do.
Do I use my one skill, or do I do my square mash combo? Let's find out
Then the combat is ultimately boring AF. Enemies should be pretty few and far between until the player actually has options. No more than a couple horde encounters at the beginning
Nudity confirmed for the romance scenes
Literally the only thing the game has going for it ATM.
I could just watch p***
That was it? No look at higher level combat, party mechanics, other classes?
A 20 minute slice that’s 65% cutscenes with only like 3 dialogue choice sequences?
Unless you're super invested in the story that early game is going to suck f***ing ass.
For me its not colour, like Nintendo games are way colourful and im not burnt out on those. But its the same-sie Fortnite inspired look.
It looks like all those cgi ads for mobile games you see around
I put in 250+ hours into Inquisition and that game was very mid in retrospect tbfh. Imma more than likely cop this but, I’ll wait for reviews. Since it’s coming fall right now it looks like I’ll wait for an inevitable Black Friday sale.
Unless you're super invested in the story that early game is going to suck f***ing ass.
Every rpg starts like that, it’s how progression works
It wouldn’t feel like character progression if you started off high levels with lots of abilities and mechanics
But if you aren’t playing these games for the story you’re playing the wrong game, dragon age was always more of an rpg than an action rpg, even when it started to become more action-y they didn’t turn down the story much
They said this is mission-based (instance-based?) not open world. I kinda need that cause Bioware games that do that actually goated. All the open world ones suck
Every rpg starts like that, it’s how progression works
It wouldn’t feel like character progression if you started off high levels with lots of abilities and mechanics
But if you aren’t playing these games for the story you’re playing the wrong game, dragon age was always more of an rpg than an action rpg, even when it started to become more action-y they didn’t turn down the story much
Poor excuses. There are plenty of games that are interesting without you having to be a high level. Saying it's progression isn't an excuse for watching the same 3 hit combo for the first 5 hours.
Witcher 3 stayed interesting
Even just this year, FF7 found ways to be interesting without a character needing high level abilities.
Dragon age f***ing sucks dog, get over it.
Poor excuses. There are plenty of games that are interesting without you having to be a high level. Saying it's progression isn't an excuse for watching the same 3 hit combo for the first 5 hours.
Witcher 3 stayed interesting
Even just this year, FF7 found ways to be interesting without a character needing high level abilities.
Dragon age f***ing sucks dog, get over it.
5 hours? we saw like 10 minutes of combat
Witcher 3 is super slow at the start lol, you probably just forget about the first few hours because that game is like 100 hours long
Combat didn't really look impressive, not awful, but average looking far as action RPGs go
Western RPGs have had mediocre to poor combat for years in gaming so not necessarily a deterrent
5 hours? we saw like 10 minutes of combat
Witcher 3 is super slow at the start lol, you probably just forget about the first few hours because that game is like 100 hours long
There's a lot of content in there aside from the combat. Gwent and the sidequests.
But fair enough.
Damn looks like I’m gonna have to replay the original 3 again for my canon play through
There's a lot of content in there aside from the combat. Gwent and the sidequests.
But fair enough.
Yeah I mean when you consider all the aspects of the game, Witcher 3 is a classic and Veilguard isn’t gonna reach that level, but combat is quite simple when geralt is low level and doesn’t have many skills, which is overall pretty common in rpgs
Just like the Witcher, Baldurs Gate etc I don’t play Dragon Age for the combat so it’s fine
That said nothing else about the preview wow’d me either so I’m still meh about the whole thing
I put in 250+ hours into Inquisition and that game was very mid in retrospect tbfh. Imma more than likely cop this but, I’ll wait for reviews. Since it’s coming fall right now it looks like I’ll wait for an inevitable Black Friday sale.
Inquistion main quest were fine to good, but i loved the castle building and political decisions/events - thats what kept me interested
The side quests sucked ass tho - the only one i liked was huntinf down the dragons in evey mini open world but i skipped the rest of the side quests after a while
Sticking to just the main game makes it fine
Its not a classic but imo its still an overall fine game, especially considering how early it was in the gen
Just like the Witcher, Baldurs Gate etc I don’t play Dragon Age for the combat so it’s fine
That said nothing else about the preview wow’d me either so I’m still meh about the whole thing
Baldurs Gate combat is great with a lot to do and many combinations of mechanics & Witcher 3s combat is good once you start getting to mid levels and can combo spells plus elixer coatings
Inquistions combat is a lot better if you play it like a tactical game instead of action
Which you can opt into either playstyles
I liked most of the companions too & the dlc
The game imo is a genuine 6 to 7 out of 10
The main game is decent, the side quests are terrible, the castle and politics activities are great and the dlc was good
Inquistions combat is a lot better if you play it like a tactical game instead of action
Which you can opt into either playstyles
I liked most of the companions too & the dlc
The game imo is a genuine 6 to 7 out of 10
The main game is decent, the side quests are terrible, the castle and politics activities are great and the dlc was good
dlcs improved the game a lot